Axiom 3D Engine

An open-source, cross-platform, managed 3D rendering engine for DirectX, XNA and OpenGL running on .Net and Mono




Basic, Multi-texturing, Bumpmapping, Mipmapping, Volumetric, Projected:

  • Support for a variety of image formats, including .png, .jpg, .gif, .tga, with dynamic MipMap generation. .dds files are supported for 2D, Volume, and Cubic textures in both DirextX AND OpenGL via DevIL.
  • 1D, 2D, Cubic, and Volume textures.


Vertex, Pixel, High Level:

  • Vertex/Fragment programs, including Cg and HLSL high level plugins, as well as support for loading ASM shaders
  • Vertex/Fragment programs are also fully configurable in the material files, and allow for parameters that instruct the engine to track various states and supply them automatically to the program parameters, such as worldviewproj_matrix, light_position_object_space, camera_position_object_space, etc.
  • Support profiles at present are: * DirectX 8 - vp_1_1, ps_1_1 - ps_1_4 * DirectX 9 - vp_2_0, ps_2_0 * OpenGL - arbvp1, arbfp1, fp20 (GeForce3/4 Register and Texture Combiners supported via nvparse), vp30/fp30 (GeForceFX).


General, BSP, Octrees, LOD:

  • Extensible Hierarchical Scene Graph
  • Octree scene manager plugin which includes a basic heightmap loading scene manager


Keyframe Animation, Skeletal Animation:

  • Skeletal animation with an Ogre .skeleton file loader. Features include multiple bone assignments per vertex, smooth frame rate scaled blending, and multiple animations can be blended together to allow for seamless animation transitions.
  • Pose animation allowing for facial animations and more.
  • Allows animations to be assigned to nodes in the scene graph, allowing objects to move along predefined spline paths.


Mesh Loading, Skinning, Progressive:

  • Fast Mesh loader support the Ogre .mesh file formats 1.10 and 1.20, now including pre generated LOD levels based on the entitie's distance from the camera.
  • Exporters for various 3D Modeling programs, including Milkshape and 3dx Max can be downloaded from the Ogre downloads page

Special Effect:

Environment Mapping, Billboarding, Particle System, Sky, Fog, Mirror:

  • Spherical environment mapping
  • Particle systems, extendable via plugins for defining new Emitters and Affectors and definable through Ogre particle scripts.
  • Support for skyboxes via cubic textures, and sky planes.
  • 2d billboard support, with built in pooling to reduce runtime overhead. Supports sprites, and is also used for the particle system.
  • Post-process compositor effects for HDR, Bloom, Motion Blur etc.


Fixed-function, Render-to-Texture, Fonts, GUI:

  • Extensible render system support, via plugins. Current implementations include Tao for OpenGL, and Managed DirectX 9, Xna is under development.
  • Virtual hardware vertex/index buffer interface, allowing for faster rendering of primitives by placing geometry data in video AGP memory, eliminating the need for keeping it in application memory and copying it over every frame.
  • Support for Ogre .material files, allowing the flexibility for controlling fixed function render state on a per object basis, in addition to specifying texture blending and texture effects such as scrolling and rotating.
  • Smart rendering pipeline, with sorting designed to reduce render state changes as much as possible. Transparent objects are also sorted to allow blending into the scene correctly.
  • Font bitmap support using the Ogre .fontdef format for loading bitmaps based and dynamically generated font bitmaps.


  1. Create the Root object.
  2. Define the resources that the application will use.
  3. Choose and set up the render system (that is, DirectX, OpenGL, etc).
  4. Create the render window (the window which Axiom will render onto).
  5. Initialize the resources that you are going to use.
  6. Create a scene using those resources.
  7. Set up any third party libraries and plugins.
  8. Create frame listeners.
  9. Start the render loop.


资源包括 textures, models, scripts, 等等. . Thus far we have been using EngineConfig.xml to define Resource paths.
通过 ResourceGroupManager class 来新增资源路径:

1.ResourceGroupManager.Instance.AddResourceLocation(location, type, group);

第一个参数是 文件夹名字.

第二参数是资源类型: "Folder" (文件夹) or "Zip" (压缩包).


1.ResourceGroupManager.Instance.AddResourceLocation("Media", "Folder", "General");


1.root.RenderSystem = root.RenderSystems["DirectX9"];

选项有 DirectX9, OpenGL, and Xna.

1.Root.Instance.RenderSystem.ConfigOptions["Video Mode"].Value = "1280 x 720 @ 32-bit color";


Name Purpose
Video Mode Sets resolution and color-depth.颜色深度
Full Screen Sets whether to use the full screen.是否全屏
VSync Syncs FPS to monitors refresh rate,垂直同步
Anti-Aliasing Gives the appearence of smoother edges.抗锯齿
Floating-Point mode 浮点模式,平滑或则快速


1.RenderWindow window = root.Initialize(true, "Window Title");


1.RenderWindow window = root.CreateRenderWindow("Axiom Render Window", 800, 600, false);
Axiom.Collections.NamedParameterList paramList = new Axiom.Collections.NamedParameterList();

paramList["externalWindowHandle"] = pictureBox1.Handle;
Axiom.Graphics.RenderWindow window = _Root.CreateRenderWindow("RenderWindow", pictureBox1.Width, pictureBox1.Height, false, paramList);


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