



composer require elasticsearch/elasticsearch



;sys_temp_dir = "/tmp"
sys_temp_dir = "D:\phpstudy_pro\Extensions\tmp\tmp"



composer require tamayo/laravel-scout-elasticcomposer require laravel/scoutphp artisan vendor:publish


修改驱动为 elasticsearch

'driver' => env('SCOUT_DRIVER', 'elasticsearch'),

创建索引用 Laravel 自带的 Artisan 命令行功能。

php artisan make:command ESOpenCommand

下面就可以借助插件,创建我们的 Index,直接看代码:

namespace App\Console\Commands;use Elasticsearch\ClientBuilder;
use Illuminate\Console\Command; public function handle(){$host = config('scout.elasticsearch.hosts');$index = config('scout.elasticsearch.index');$client = ClientBuilder::create()->setHosts($host)->build();if ($client->indices()->exists(['index' => $index])) {$this->warn("Index {$index} exists, deleting...");$client->indices()->delete(['index' => $index]);}$this->info("Creating index: {$index}");return $client->indices()->create([// 生成索引的名称'index' => $index,// 类型 body'body' => ['settings' => [// 分区数'number_of_shards' => 1,// 副本数'number_of_replicas' => 0],'mappings' => ['_source' => ['enabled' => true],// 字段 类似表字段,设置类型'properties' => ['id' => [// 相当于数据查询是的 = 张三你好,必须找到张三你好'type' => 'long'],'title' => ['type' => 'text',// 中文分词 张三你好 张三 你好 张三你好'analyzer' => 'ik_max_word','search_analyzer' => 'ik_smart'],'subtitle' => ['type' => 'text',// 中文分词 张三你好 张三 你好 张三你好'analyzer' => 'ik_max_word','search_analyzer' => 'ik_smart'],'content' => ['type' => 'text',// 中文分词 张三你好 张三 你好 张三你好'analyzer' => 'ik_max_word','search_analyzer' => 'ik_smart']],]]]);}


php artisan esoc:mapping

Laravel Model 使用

Laravel 框架已经为我们推荐使用 Scout 全文搜索,我们只需要在 Article Model 加上官方所说的内容即可,很简单,推荐大家看 Scout 使用文档:Scout 全文搜索《Laravel 6 中文文档》,下面直接上代码:

Scout 全文搜索 | 官方扩展包 |《Laravel 6 中文文档 6.x》| Laravel China 社区 (learnku.com)

Scout 提供了 Artisan 命令 import 用来导入所有已存在的记录到搜索索引中。

php artisan scout:import "App\Article"
<?phpnamespace App;use App\Tools\Markdowner;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\SoftDeletes;
use Laravel\Scout\Searchable;class Article extends Model
{use Searchable;protected $connection = 'blog';protected $table = 'articles';use SoftDeletes;/*** The attributes that should be mutated to dates.** @var array*/protected $dates = ['published_at', 'created_at', 'deleted_at'];/*** The attributes that are mass assignable.** @var array*/protected $fillable = ['user_id','last_user_id','category_id','title','subtitle','slug','page_image','content','meta_description','is_draft','is_original','published_at','wechat_url',];protected $casts = ['content' => 'array'];/*** Set the content attribute.** @param $value*/public function setContentAttribute($value){$data = ['raw'  => $value,'html' => (new Markdowner)->convertMarkdownToHtml($value)];$this->attributes['content'] = json_encode($data);}/*** 获取模型的可搜索数据** @return array*/public function toSearchableArray(){$data = ['id' => $this->id,'title' => $this->title,'subtitle' => $this->subtitle,'content' => $this->content['html']];return $data;}public function searchableAs(){return '_doc';}



php artisan make:command ElasearchCommand
class ElasearchCommand extends Command
{/*** The name and signature of the console command.** @var string*/protected $signature = 'command:search {query}';/*** The console command description.** @var string*/protected $description = 'Command description';/*** Create a new command instance.** @return void*/public function __construct(){parent::__construct();}/*** Execute the console command.** @return mixed*/public function handle(){$article = Article::search($this->argument('query'))->first();$this->info($article->title);}

IK 分词器安装

Releases · medcl/elasticsearch-analysis-ik · GitHub


Elasticsearch 安装;
Elasticsearch IK 分词器插件安装;
Elasticsearch 可视化工具 ElasticHQ 和 Kibana 的安装和简单使用;
Scout 的使用;
Elasticsearch 和 Scout 结合使用。

《Elasticsearch-PHP 中文文档》 | PHP 技术论坛

Laravel + Elasticsearch 实现中文搜索 | Laravel China 社区 (learnku.com)

终于有人把Elasticsearch原理讲透了! - 知乎 (zhihu.com)


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