
    def forward(self, inputs_scales, targets_scales):losses = []for inputs, targets in zip(inputs_scales, targets_scales):# mask = targets > 0targets_m = targets.clone() #深拷贝targets_m -= 1 #减去loss_all = self.ce_loss(inputs, targets_m.long())






self.side_output = nn.Conv2d(in_channels//2,out_channels=37,kernel_size=1)


class MultiScaleLabel:def __init__(self, downsampling_rates=None):if downsampling_rates is None:self.downsampling_rates = [8, 4, 2]else:self.downsampling_rates = downsampling_ratesdef __call__(self, sample):label = sample['label']h, w = label.shapesample['label_down'] = dict()# Nearest neighbor interpolationfor rate in self.downsampling_rates:label_down = cv2.resize(label.numpy(), (w // rate, h // rate),interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST)sample['label_down'][rate] = torch.from_numpy(label_down)return sample



self.side_output = nn.Conv2d(in_channels//2,out_channels=40,kernel_size=1)

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