初学者(入门级)教程是分步说明ROS2使用的资料汇总,目标向初学者介绍ROS 2。建议按顺序学习这些教程,从“普通用户”课程过渡到“开发人员”课程,获取ROS 2的基本知识。

ardent bouncy crystal dashing eloquent






ros2 topic pub --rate 1 /turtle1/cmd_vel geometry_msgs/msg/Twist "{linear: {x: 2.0, y: 0.0, z: 0.0}, angular: {x: 0.0, y: 0.0, z: 1.8}}"

ros2 service call /spawn turtlesim/srv/Spawn "{x: 6, y: 1, theta: 1.2, name: 't6'}"

ros2 param set /turtlesim background_r 255

ros2 action send_goal /turtle1/rotate_absolute turtlesim/action/RotateAbsolute {"theta: 1.57"}


ros2 launch dummy_robot_bringup dummy_robot_bringup.launch.py



  • Dashing
  • Eloquent


  • 配置ROS 2环境
  • 介绍turtlesim和rqt
  • 了解ROS 2节点nodes
  • 了解ROS 2主题topics
  • 了解ROS 2服务services
  • 了解ROS 2参数parameters
  • 了解ROS 2行动actions
  • 使用rqt_console
  • 创建启动文件launch
  • 记录和播放数据ros2bag


  • 创建工作区ws
  • 创建一个ROS 2包
  • 编写简单的发布者和订阅者(​​C ++)
  • 编写简单的发布者和订阅者(​​Python)
  • 编写简单的服务端和客户端(C ++)
  • 编写简单的服务端和客户端(Python)
  • ros2doctor入门


ros2 run turtlesim turtlesim_node

This application failed to start because it could not find or load the Qt platform plugin "windows"


windeployqt <ros2>/install/Lib/<package>/<target>.exe

C:\ros_ws\ros_tutorials\install\turtlesim\lib\turtlesim\turtlesim_node.exe 64 bit, release executable                   Adding Qt5Svg for qsvgicon.dll                                                                                          Direct dependencies: Qt5Core Qt5Gui Qt5Widgets                                                                          All dependencies   : Qt5Core Qt5Gui Qt5Widgets                                                                          To be deployed     : Qt5Core Qt5Gui Qt5Svg Qt5Widgets                                                                   Updating Qt5Core.dll.                                                                                                   Updating Qt5Gui.dll.                                                                                                    Updating Qt5Svg.dll.                                                                                                    Updating Qt5Widgets.dll.                                                                                                Updating libGLESV2.dll.                                                                                                 Updating libEGL.dll.                                                                                                    Updating d3dcompiler_47.dll.                                                                                            Updating opengl32sw.dll.                                                                                                Updating vc_redist.x64.exe.                                                                                             Patching Qt5Core.dll...                                                                                                 Creating directory C:/ros_ws/ros_tutorials/install/turtlesim/lib/turtlesim/iconengines.                                 Updating qsvgicon.dll.                                                                                                  Creating directory C:/ros_ws/ros_tutorials/install/turtlesim/lib/turtlesim/imageformats.                                Updating qgif.dll.                                                                                                      Updating qicns.dll.                                                                                                     Updating qico.dll.                                                                                                      Updating qjpeg.dll.                                                                                                     Updating qsvg.dll.                                                                                                      Updating qtga.dll.                                                                                                      Updating qtiff.dll.                                                                                                     Updating qwbmp.dll.                                                                                                     Updating qwebp.dll.                                                                                                     Creating directory C:/ros_ws/ros_tutorials/install/turtlesim/lib/turtlesim/platforms.                                   Updating qwindows.dll.                                                                                                  Creating directory C:/ros_ws/ros_tutorials/install/turtlesim/lib/turtlesim/styles.                                      Updating qwindowsvistastyle.dll.                                                                                        Creating C:\ros_ws\ros_tutorials\install\turtlesim\lib\turtlesim\translations...                                        Creating qt_ar.qm...                                                                                                    Creating qt_bg.qm...                                                                                                    Creating qt_ca.qm...                                                                                                    Creating qt_cs.qm...                                                                                                    Creating qt_da.qm...                                                                                                    Creating qt_de.qm...                                                                                                    Creating qt_en.qm...                                                                                                    Creating qt_es.qm...                                                                                                    Creating qt_fi.qm...                                                                                                    Creating qt_fr.qm...                                                                                                    Creating qt_gd.qm...                                                                                                    Creating qt_he.qm...                                                                                                    Creating qt_hu.qm...                                                                                                    Creating qt_it.qm...                                                                                                    Creating qt_ja.qm...                                                                                                    Creating qt_ko.qm...                                                                                                    Creating qt_lv.qm...                                                                                                    Creating qt_pl.qm...                                                                                                    Creating qt_ru.qm...                                                                                                    Creating qt_sk.qm...                                                                                                    Creating qt_uk.qm... 


python -m pip install -U pydot PyQt5  


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