
Khamosh Pathak
Khamosh Pathak

Apple’s Spotlight search is the fastest way to find and open apps. You can also use it to search within apps and view Siri Suggestions. Not happy with the Spotlight search results? Here’s how to customize it on your iPhone and iPad.

Apple的Spotlight搜索是查找和打开应用程序的最快方法。 您还可以使用它在应用内搜索并查看Siri建议。 对Spotlight搜索结果不满意? 这是在iPhone和iPad上自定义它的方法。

如何在Spotlight搜索中禁用Siri建议 (How to Disable Siri Suggestions in Spotlight Search)

When you swipe down on the iPhone or iPad’s Home Screen, you’ll see suggested apps and actions below the Search bar. This is the handiwork of the Siri Suggestions feature.

在iPhone或iPad的主屏幕上向下滑动时,您会在搜索栏下方看到建议的应用和操作。 这是Siri建议功能的工作方式。

Apple uses Siri’s intelligence to figure out which apps you’re most likely to open at the given time, and occasionally suggests some actions that you frequently do around the same time every day. For example, you might get a suggestion to call your significant other, to view an album in the Photos app, a suggestion to enable your wake up alarm, or to activate a frequently used Siri shortcut.

苹果利用Siri的智能来确定您最有可能在给定时间打开哪些应用,并偶尔建议您在每天大约同一时间经常执行的某些操作。 例如,您可能会建议您打电话给重要的其他人,在“照片”应用程序中查看相册,建议启用您的唤醒警报或激活常用的Siri快捷方式。

These suggestions are not always accurate, and if you find one or two of them annoying, press and hold on the item and then tap on the “Close” button remove them from the suggestions.


But if you’re not interested in the suggested apps and action sections altogether, there’s a simple way to disable both of them.


Open the “Settings” app on your iPhone or iPad. Here, go to the “Siri & Search” section.

在iPhone或iPad上打开“设置”应用。 在这里,转到“ Siri和搜索”部分。

Scroll down and tap on the toggle next to the “Suggestions In Search” option.


Now, when you swipe down on your iPhone’s or iPad’s Home Screen, you won’t find any suggestions.


如何禁用Spotlight搜索应用 (How to Disable Spotlight Search for Apps)

So, now that you have hidden the suggestions from the Spotlight search menu, it’s time to customize the search results themselves. Spotlight search is a sophisticated search engine and supports deep searching for many apps (default and third party).

因此,既然您已经隐藏了Spotlight搜索菜单中的建议,那么该是时候自定义搜索结果了。 Spotlight搜索是一个复杂的搜索引擎,并支持对许多应用程序(默认和第三方)的深度搜索。

This means that when you search for something, you might find results from the Notes app, Calendar app, or even a third-party app that you have installed. This is very useful but can also be distracting. What if you don’t want to surface what’s in one of your hundreds of notes?

这意味着当您搜索某些内容时,您可能会从Notes应用程序,日历应用程序甚至已安装的第三方应用程序中找到结果。 这是非常有用的,但也可能使人分心。 如果您不想浮现数百个笔记之一中的内容怎么办?

The way out of it is to disable Spotlight search for the particular app. To do this, open the “Settings” app and go to the “Siri & Search” section.

解决方法是禁用特定应用程序的Spotlight搜索。 为此,请打开“设置”应用,然后转到“ Siri&搜索”部分。

Here, scroll down until you find the app that you want to remove from the Spotlight search results and then tap on its listing.


Now, select the toggle next to the “Show In Search” option to remove it from search results. (This will also disable the app’s Shortcuts suggestions.)

现在,选择“在搜索中显示”选项旁边的切换开关,将其从搜索结果中删除。 (这也会禁用应用程序的“快捷方式”建议。)

The particular app’s search results will now be removed from Spotlight search. You can repeat this process for any app that you want to exclude from Spotlight search.

现在,特定应用的搜索结果将从Spotlight搜索中删除。 您可以对要从Spotlight搜索中排除的任何应用重复此过程。

Just like Spotlight, you can also search within the Settings app on your iPhone or iPad.





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