
本文将帮助您了解真实支付网关的优点和功能。 此外,您将能够为您的业务选择合适的在线支付网关。 (This article will help you understand the advantages and features of an authentic payment gateway. Moreover, you would be able to choose a suitable online payment gateway for your business.)



Payment gateway is a special service designed and developed with and intention of helping businesses with the online billing process. It consists of an in-built billing processor which enables the collection of credit card information and its transmission via the World Wide Web. It is a digital equivalent of a credit card processing terminal. Payment gateway is basically a software application which enables the functionality of a credit card company, enabling merchants to accept online payments.

支付网关是一项特殊的服务,旨在帮助企业进行在线计费流程而设计和开发。 它由一个内置的计费处理器组成,该处理器能够收集信用卡信息并通过万维网进行传输。 它等效于信用卡处理终端。 支付网关基本上是一种软件应用程序,可启用信用卡公司的功能,从而使商家可以接受在线支付。

Types of Payment Gateway


There are basically two types of payment gateways.


  • A widely used Payment Gateway is a secure order form. It directs the client to a third party website for credit card payment processing into an individual merchant account.

    广泛使用的支付网关是一种安全的订单表格。 它将客户定向到第三方网站,以将信用卡付款处理到单个商人帐户中。

  • Another type of Payment Gateway is a merchant-side Application Program Interface (API). A integreation of code is done on the server that hosts the merchant ecommerce web-site.

    支付网关的另一种类型是商人方应用程序接口(API)。 在托管商户电子商务网站的服务器上完成了代码的集成。

Benefits of Online Payment Gateway


Payment Gateway simplifies the acceptance of online payments done via credit cards. The below benefits are offered to the merchants

Payment Gateway简化了通过信用卡进行在线支付的接受。 以下优惠提供给商人

  • It decreases the geo-location barrier. Clients located anywhere in the world can make payments in no time. The merchants are capable of accepting payments from around the globe.

    它减少了地理位置障碍。 位于世界任何地方的客户都可以立即付款。 商家有能力接受来自全球的付款。

  • Customers can conveniently go about with making payments with faster speeds and ease.


  • The customers are immediately notified about acceptance or decline of payments in real time. This helps maintaining transparency in the payment processes.

    立即向客户通知有关付款接受或拒绝的实时信息。 这有助于保持付款流程的透明度。

  • The payment gateways guarantee 100% safe and secure transactions. Merchants have the facility to offer a money back guarantee as well. So if a customer wishes to withdraw the services or product usage, they can claim their money back, which too would happen with enough speed and security.

    付款网关保证100%安全的交易。 商家也可以提供退款保证。 因此,如果客户希望撤回服务或产品使用,他们可以要求退款,这也将以足够的速度和安全性进行。

  • Since businesses have no restriction for payment acceptance, they can focus more on expanding their businesses across other geo-locations.


  • It helps in reducing the infrastructural and the human resource costs.


  • The process is remarkably faster than the traditional payment modes.


  • Business hours aren’t constraints with online payment gateways, customers can go about making payments even in the non-working hours and place an order for the product


  • The entire process is carried out via. a highly secure (encrypted) network. Hence, customers can stay rest assured about their money. Customers should only ensure by checking at the address bar, there in the URL you should see “https://” before the domain name. This indicates that it is a secure site with an SSL installed on it.

    整个过程通过进行。 高度安全( 加密 )的网络。 因此,客户可以放心他们的钱。 客户仅应通过检查地址栏来确保网址中的域名前面应显示“ https:// ”。 这表明它是一个安装了SSL的安全站点。

List of Widely used and Trusted Payment Gateways :


  • Paypal


  • Google Checkout

    Google Checkout

  • Verisign


  • Authorize.net


  • Linkpoint payment gateway


  • 2CO


  • CCAvenue




When selecting a payment gateway that is best suitable for your payment services on the ecommerce site, you must check the below criterias :


  • You must check the compatibility of the Payment Gateways. This is one of the most important aspects when thinking of adding a payment gateway to your ecommerce website. Before making a choice of an eCommerce shopping cart, it is better that you check if your payment gateway is compatible with it.

    您必须检查支付网关的兼容性。 在考虑将支付网关添加到电子商务网站时,这是最重要的方面之一。 在选择电子商务购物车之前,最好检查一下您的付款网关是否与之兼容。

  • The Address Verification System (AVS ) protection is another important and very useful feature of payment gateways. This helps in detecting fraud payments and transactions. The Address Verification System holds the capability to verify the address of the card holders billing address. Therefore, before you select a payment gateway, you check that they offer an AVS protection facility.

    A ddress V erification 体系(AVS)保护是支付网关的另一重要和非常实用的功能。 这有助于检测欺诈付款和交易。 地址验证系统具有验证持卡人账单地址的功能。 因此,在选择付款网关之前,请检查它们是否提供了AVS保护功能。

Depending on the payment gateways, fixed per transaction charges needs to be borne by the merchant. Hence, it is also important to checkout the charges before choosing a gateway.

取决于支付网关,固定的每笔交易费用需要由商人承担。 因此,在选择网关之前检查费用也很重要。

A quick wrap-up of procedures :


Pointer 1 – To make sure that the gateway compatible with the eCommerce shopping cart. Get in touch with the eCommerce web hosting provider to have a better understanding of payment gateway compatibility with a particular shopping cart.

指针 1 –确保网关与电子商务购物车兼容。 与电子商务虚拟主机提供商联系,以更好地了解支付网关与特定购物车的兼容性。

Pointer 2 – Most of the widely used payment gateways provide more or less the same features, its only the price that usually differs. But doing a thorough research about the level of security and the price at which it is offered can help you to find a perfect payment gateway for your requirements.

指标2 –大多数广泛使用的支付网关提供或多或少的相同功能,只是价格通常有所不同。 但是,对安全级别和提供的价格进行透彻的研究可以帮助您找到理想的支付网关。

Pointer 3 – Making sure that the payment gateway service offers the Address Verification System (AVS) protection. This would help you prevent the future problems with fraud payments.

指针 3 –确保付款网关服务提供地址验证系统(AVS)保护。 这将帮助您防止将来发生欺诈付款问题。

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/what-is-a-payment-gateway/



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