1)Repression 压抑
2)Fantasy 幻想
3)Denial of reality否认
4)Regression 退化
5)Reaction formation 反向
6)Isolation 隔离
7)Projection 投射
8)Intellectualization 理智化
9)Rationalization 合理化
10)Displacement 转移
11)Identification 认同
12)Sublimation 升华

The idea here was that defenses served to control or modulate impulse expression so as to protect the individual from being overwhelmed by the anxiety that would result from conscious recognition of unacceptable impulses. This conception was subsequently expanded to include the use of defenses as reactions to external sources of stress as well as to internal forces (i.e., drives).

Distinction between Defensive and Coping(应对) Mechanism:

  1. Coping mechanisms involve a conscious, purposeful effort, whereas defense mechanisms occur without conscious effort and without conscious awareness (i.e., they are unconscious).
  2. Coping strategies are carried out with the intent of managing or solving a problem situation, whereas defense mechanisms occur without conscious intentionality.

Distinction between Defensive Mechanism and Defensiveness
Defensive Mechanism is a theoretical construct that describes a cognitive operation that occurs in an unconscious level.
Defensiveness is a more general term that refers to behaviors that protect the individual from anxiety, loss of self-esteem or other disrupting emotions.

The term is a theoretical construct that describes a cognitive operation that occurs in an unconscious level:

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