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Help on function step2 in module scipy.signal.ltisys:step2(system, X0=None, T=None, N=None, **kwargs)

Step response of continuous-time system.

This function is functionally the same as `scipy.signal.step`, but

it uses the function `scipy.signal.lsim2` to compute the step




system : an instance of the LTI class or a tuple of array_like

describing the system.

The following gives the number of elements in the tuple and

the interpretation:

* 1 (instance of `lti`)

* 2 (num, den)

* 3 (zeros, poles, gain)

* 4 (A, B, C, D)

X0 : array_like, optional

Initial state-vector (default is zero).

T : array_like, optional

Time points (computed if not given).

N : int, optional

Number of time points to compute if `T` is not given.

kwargs : various types

Additional keyword arguments are passed on the function

`scipy.signal.lsim2`, which in turn passes them on to

`scipy.integrate.odeint`. See the documentation for

`scipy.integrate.odeint` for information about these arguments.



T : 1D ndarray

Output time points.

yout : 1D ndarray

Step response of system.

See also





If (num, den) is passed in for ``system``, coefficients for both the

numerator and denominator should be specified in descending exponent

order (e.g. ``s^2 + 3s + 5`` would be represented as ``[1, 3, 5]``).

.. versionadded:: 0.8.0

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