

现在估计在公司没有什么时间听那个60 S 可能中午的时候可以听一听。中午等吃饭的时候可以听听60 S.


8/8的中午吃完饭就回来拿laptop 然后拿去周那听听力的TPO,中午的一个小时一定能够完成听力的东西。


1 convesation 关于问路 all right。2 lecture 关于科学历史(天文)错两道 3 关CS 不用说了全对。(TPO21)

 4 conversation 关于选课的 5lecture 关于蛇的 6lecture 关于艺术史的  8/9中午做的时候居然睡着了,然后很差。


关于蛇的lecture 做错了最后一道题,who konw, may be one day,这几个词揭示了教授并不是热情,而是认为太早的。


所以,要认真听一下。所以4 讲了颜色不用说,to captured the whole person 意味着身体。

还有讲了 genre, depiction 这两个单词的不熟悉造成第五题选错,分别是题材,描述。说了neel 画作跨越题材,跨越描述。




中午也没有听60 S,更加没有听那个1,2题。估计下午也没有什么机会听了。除了回家的地铁上。




(1) talk about an important event that happened in your country, describe the event and explain why it is important.

a company name mobike start  to place hundres thousands of its bikes all around the country in order to let others pay to use it so that.they can earn money.There is a huge difference between mobike and traditional industrial of bike renting.Mobike place sensor on their bikes so that consumers can return it back anywhere they want instead of going to a fixed spot. The next consumer can rent bike where ever they sees these bikes.They can be on the street, or in the park. It is so important that these bikes provide great convinence for people all around the country. Moreover, they improve the efficent of the whole society and make my counrty a better place.(我的)

Recently, there was a news about a little girl run over by a van and within 7 minutes,18 people walked by without giving a hand. Finally she was saved by a scavenger. The news is very important because it shows that our society is apathetic. People aren’t willing to help others and they fear to help others. This is pathetic. This news sparked an awful lot of discussions on the Internet and increased the public awareness of an issue that we are gradually losing our virtue. Our virtue has been sapped by our apathy. What should we do to save the society and save ourselves?(答案)
(2)your friends are most influence in your life use detail and example to your opinion.
i disagree.many friend of mine walked by through my life slightly without leaving any influence.Except for freinds, there are still many people who have much effect on us such as parents or teachars.People are not only influenced by who they met ,but alos by what they read, what they have expirenced.The most influence on me is a stroy about failure and sadness.I met a girl who is not a friend of mine, but i like her.I have done so many things and spent so much time attempt to catch her attention and express my feeling of love for her but only recieve painful rejection and ignorance.That expirence changed me forever that i no longer easily fall in love with others and easily express my feelings and emotion to others even to the my girlfriend.(我的)
I agree with the statement friends are the most important influence in my life. Firstly, I learned how to be sociable from friends. When I first entered a company, I was a loner. I didn’t understand the basic social rules. One of my friends, Lillian, gave me a lot of advice about how to behave in front of the boss and what to say in front of colleagues. Secondly, friends are my good-listeners. Many times I felt helpless and painful because of some frustrations, I went to my friends. They would sit in front of me, listening to my complaints or swear words and then comforted me. These are the things that neither my parents or other relatives can give me.(答案)
the university's plan is to send every students in the campus an email to inform them what is going to happen in the next week.the women in the conversation agree with thses plan. first she will going to kown what is going on on thursday and friday.second if a concert canceled. she will know.(我)
the university is planning to send daily e-mail to all students so that they can get information about campus events and activities everyday.the woman thinks it's a great idea. first of all, the woman thinks the weekly newspaper is not up-to-date. she reads it every monday, but she'll forget a concert on thursday or a film on wednesday.she also say that email can serve as a reminder so if any event gets cancelled,people will know and won't waste time going.second of all woman says everyone checks email once a day and if they include cafeteria menu in the email everyday people definitely will read it (答案)




(2):for success in the future job,the ability to relate well to people is more important than studying hard at school (30m 700)



之后做3篇TPO阅读当作实战训练,一定要掐时间。读的时间现在是没有问题的 做的时间有问题。



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