

毕 业 论 文

题 目 分布式计算机并行处理技术

英文题目 Distributed Computer Parallel Processing Technology

院 系 信息科学与技术学院

专 业 计算机科学与技术

姓 名 付琦

班级学号 A091208


摘 要


The computer was born sixty years, computer technology has had a series of great revolution, as people on the calculation speed, system reliability and cost effectiveness for unceasing enhancement, the traditional von neumann type structure has been unable to meet the above requirements, and along with the computer network, the emergence of a distributed system becomes possible and get rapid development and application.

Among them, the parallel processing computer is the future of computer design.

Contemporary facing major scientific and technological problems depends on the computing technology to help solve, on the one hand, will be large calculation to get more accurate solution, on the other hand will be computer simulation, in order to further understand the structure of the problem are discussed and motion. These two aspects is inseparable from the parallel processing technology. Although many people realize the importance of the parallel processing technology, but parallel processing technology development road is not smooth. From 70 s to 90 s, among a few up some fall, investigate its reason, is the parallel computing technology still meet some difficulties, make its can't popularization and application. This both software (parallel programming), and hardware (parallel processor) reasons. Parallel processing is to improve the performance of a computer system is an important way. Now almost all the high performance computer system, all more or less with the parallel processing technology. This article is mainly distributed parallel processing technology is introduced briefly.

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