
I don’t have time to learn.


Many people say that to themselves. I say that to myself too.

很多人对自己说。 我也对自己说。

I haven’t learned much this year because I’ve been on a tight schedule to create content. I had to create one article and one video every week for the blog. I also had to create as many Learn JavaScript lessons as I could.

今年我没有学到太多东西,因为创作内容的时间表很紧。 我每周必须为博客撰写一篇文章和一部视频。 我还必须尽可能多地创建学习JavaScript课程。

And I almost burned out. I was unhappy and depressed.

我差点筋疲力尽。 我当时很沮丧和沮丧。

Learning is important to me. When I don’t learn, I start to feel guilty.

学习对我很重要。 当我不学习时,我开始感到内。

One day, I decided enough was enough. I had to change my schedule to allow time for learning. I did some experiments over the new few weeks and found a way where I could give myself 1.5 hours to learn every day. The best part is, I created even more content than I did before!

有一天,我决定足够了。 我不得不更改时间表以留出时间学习。 在新的几周里我做了一些实验,找到了一种可以让自己每天学习1.5小时的方法 。 最好的部分是,我创建了比以前更多的内容!

I want to share with you my experiment and how I tweaked my schedule to allow time for learning. I hope it’ll help you find some time to learn as well.

我想与您分享我的实验以及如何调整时间表以留出时间学习。 我希望它能帮助您找到一些时间来学习。

我以前的时间表 (My previous schedule)

I start work at 9am and end work at 6:30pm. Here’s a breakdown of how I was spending my time:

我从上午9点开始工作,在下午6:30结束工作。 以下是我如何度过的时间的细分:

  • 9:00am to 10:30am: Work9:00 AM至10:30 AM:工作
  • 10:30am to 11:00am: Break上午10:30至11:00:休息
  • 11:00am to 12:30pm: Work上午11:00至下午12:30:工作
  • 12:30pm to 2:00pm: Lunch break中午12:30至下午2:00:午餐休息
  • 2:00pm to 3:30pm: Work2:00 PM至3:30 PM:工作
  • 3:30pm to 4:00pm: Break3:30 pm至4:00 pm:休息
  • 4:00pm to 5:30pm: Work下午4:00至5:30:工作
  • 5:30pm to 6:00pm: Break5:30 pm至6:00 pm:休息
  • 6:00pm to 6:30pm: Check emails下午6:00至下午6:30:检查电子邮件

In short, I worked for 1.5 hours, then rested for 30 minutes. And I repeated that for the entire day. I took some extra time off for lunch too.

简而言之,我工作了1.5个小时,然后休息了30分钟。 我整天都重复了这一点。 我也抽出一些时间去吃午饭。

Why 1.5 hours?


I used to follow the Pomodoro Technique to help me stay focused while working. In the Pomodoro technique, you focus for 25 minutes, rest for five minutes, and repeat for four cycles.

我过去一直遵循Pomodoro技术来帮助我在工作时保持专注。 在番茄技巧中,您专注25分钟,休息5分钟,然后重复四个周期。

Although the focused duration and the rest period were helpful, I felt that 25 minutes of focused time was too short. I wanted to focus for a longer period of time.

尽管集中精力的时间和休息时间是有帮助的,但我觉得集中精力25分钟的时间太短了。 我想集中精力更长的时间。

After testing, I found out that I do my best work when I focus for 1.5 hours and rest for 30 minutes.


With this schedule, I created about 4 pieces of content each week without fail. Generally, 1 - 2 articles, 1 - 2 videos and 1 Learn JavaScript lesson.

有了这个时间表,我每周都会制作大约4个内容。 通常,有1-2篇文章,1-2个视频和1个学习JavaScript课程。

临时程序 (The Interim Routine)

I wanted to find 30 minutes to read and 30 minutes to go through courses I bought. I thought to myself, if I can find one extra hour a day to learn, and still continue to produce the same amount of content, I’ll be a happy man.

我想找到30分钟的阅读时间和30分​​钟的时间完成购买的课程。 我心想,如果我每天可以多花一个小时学习,并且仍然继续产生同样数量的内容,那我将是一个快乐的人。

What I realized with my previous schedule was: I couldn’t stay focused for four work periods. I was a dead fish once I completed the third work period.

我以前的时间表让我意识到:我不能专注于四个工作时期。 完成第三工作期后,我就是一条死鱼。

In the fourth period, I would stare at my text editor, chat on Slack, check Twitter, look for food in the fridge, and do just about anything else other than work.


I couldn’t get much done in my exhausted state.


It was hard, but I decided to cut my working hours to 3 periods (or 4.5 hours). This thought ate at me for weeks. I felt guilty for not working more!

辛苦了,但是我决定将工作时间减少到3个周期 (或4.5小时)。 这个想法让我吃了好几个星期。 我因不工作而感到内 !!

But I gave it a go anyway.


My routine looked like this:


  • 9:00am to 10:30am: Learn9:00 am至10:30 am:学习
  • 10:30am to 11:00am: Break上午10:30至11:00:休息
  • 11:00am to 12:30pm: Work上午11:00至下午12:30:工作
  • 12:30pm to 2:00pm: Lunch break中午12:30至下午2:00:午餐休息
  • 2:00pm to 3:30pm: Work2:00 PM至3:30 PM:工作
  • 3:30pm to 4:00pm: Break3:30 pm至4:00 pm:休息
  • 4:00pm to 5:30pm: Work下午4:00至5:30:工作
  • 5:30pm to 6:00pm: Break5:30 pm至6:00 pm:休息
  • 6:00pm to 6:30pm: Check emails下午6:00至下午6:30:检查电子邮件

Basically, I spent the first work period learning. I chose to learn during the first work period because I knew I couldn’t learn after work. Once I began working, I’d burn myself to the ground, and I’d be too exhausted to learn.

基本上, 我是在第一工作期学习的 。 我选择在第一工作时间学习是因为我知道下班后我不会学 。 一旦我开始工作,我就会把自己烧死在地上,我会精疲力尽而无法学习。

My hypothesis was spot on here.


I’m happy I could learn for 1.5 hours each day. And I was able to get the same amount of work done in 4.5 hours.

我很高兴每天能学习1.5个小时。 而且我能够在4.5小时内完成相同数量的工作。

But I got even more stressed.


I didn’t know if I would be able to maintain the production speed for a prolonged period of time. Plus, 4 pieces of content per week was too little. I wanted to create more content.

我不知道我是否能够长时间维持生产速度。 另外,每周4条内容太少了。 我想创建更多内容。

I wanted to create at least 2 articles, 2 videos, and 2 Learn JavaScript lessons each week. The extra article and video are there to build up a content buffer so I don’t have to work till 11pm when life throws me a curve ball.

我想每周至少撰写2篇文章,2部视频和2篇学习JavaScript的课程。 多余的文章和视频在那里可以建立内容缓冲,因此我不必工作到晚上11点,当生活给我一个曲线球时。

I was still short by 2 pieces.


I had to find ways to create these two pieces.


Around this time, I took a break and a brilliant idea struck me. I overhauled my routine again.

大约在这段时间里,我休息了,一个绝妙的主意打动了我。 我再次检查了我的例行工作。

我目前的时间表 (My current schedule)

In my current schedule, the working hours remain the same: 1.5 hours of learning and 4.5 hours of focused work. The difference is the type of work I do.

在我目前的时间表中, 工作时间保持不变 :学习时间为1.5个小时,专注工作时间为4.5个小时。 区别在于我从事的工作类型

I realized that each content type requires different thought processes and creation methods. How I create articles is different from how I create videos, and so on.

我意识到每种内容类型都需要不同的思维过程和创建方法。 我如何创建文章与我如何创建视频等不同。

I got stressed out because I switched between tasks too much. I couldn’t get into deep work mode. I worried about making videos when I was writing articles, and I worried about Learn JavaScript lessons when I was making videos.

我感到压力很大,因为我在任务之间切换过多。 我无法进入深度工作模式。 在撰写文章时,我担心制作视频,而在创作视频时,我担心学习JavaScript课程。

It was messed up.


The idea I had was to focus on one content type each week. That means:

我的想法是每周专注于一种内容类型。 这意味着:

  1. 1 week of articles1周的文章
  2. 1 week of videos1周的视频
  3. 1 week of Learn JavaScript lessons1周的学习JavaScript课程

And the process repeats.


With this new process, I realized three big benefits.


  1. I could produce faster because I had more context. I knew what the previous video was about, what the next video was about and what to say for the current video. (Same for articles and Learn JavaScript lessons).

    我可以更快地生产,因为我有更多的背景信息。 我知道上一个视频是关于什么的,下一个视频是关于什么的,对当前视频要说些什么。 (与文章和学习JavaScript课程相同)。

  2. I was able to get a sense of the time I need to produce each type of content. For example, if a video takes 15 minutes to record, I know that it takes twice the amount of time (30 minutes) to edit. And it’ll take three times the amount of time (45 minutes) to convert the video into an article. (I kid you not, I didn’t have concrete numbers like these previously. All my estimates were blind guesses.)

    我可以大致了解制作每种类型内容的时间。 例如,如果一部视频需要15分钟才能录制,那么我知道它要花两倍的时间(30分钟)进行编辑。 将视频转换为文章所需的时间(45分钟)是原来的三倍。 (我不告诉你,我以前没有像这样的具体数字。我所有的估计都是盲目的猜测。)

  3. I was able to improve my delivery for each type of content.


  • For articles, I write smoother (and more like how I talk)对于文章,我写得更流畅(更像我的讲话方式)
  • For videos, I talk better (and more straight to the point)对于视频,我说得更好(更直截了当)
  • For Learn JavaScript lessons, I become more methodical in teaching在“学习JavaScript”课程中,我变得更加有条理

It was a big win.


For my first round of tests (which took three weeks), I produced the following pieces of content:


  1. Articles: 5文章:5
  2. Videos: 5影片:5
  3. Learn JavaScript lessons: 7学习JavaScript课程:7

That’s a big win! I’m producing almost 40% more content compared to before while working the same amount of time!

那是一个很大的胜利! 在相同的时间内工作,我的内容比以前增加了40%

Spoiler alert: This article you’re reading was created five weeks ago. ?


Besides the improved capacity, each content type drove insights for other types. For example, when I created Learn JavaScript lessons, I found inspiration for articles where I can share about CSS (more to come in the next few weeks!).

除了提高容量之外,每种内容类型还可以带动其他类型的洞察力。 例如,当我创建“学习JavaScript”课程时,我从可以分享CSS的文章中找到灵感(接下来的几周还会有更多!)。

Everything became smoother. Much smoother.

一切都变得更加顺利。 顺畅得多。

一个挑战 (A challenge)

I saw first-hand that productivity isn’t about having more time.


Productivity is about managing your time and energy.


  • Are you doing your best work with the available time?


  • Are you focused when you work?


  • Are you happy with what you’re spending time on?


  • Are you resting enough to recharge yourself?


If you answered no to any of the questions above, you can improve your schedule to fit more of what you want into your life. You can become more productive while working less.

如果您对上述任何问题的回答为“否”,则可以改善自己的日程安排,以使其更适合自己的生活。 您可以在减少工作量的同时提高生产力。

Trust me, I didn’t believe I could fit another 1.5 hours of learning into my schedule. I thought I was maxed out already! But once I saw how it works, it completely blew my mind.

相信我,我不相信我可以再安排1.5个小时的学习时间。 我以为我已经筋疲力尽了! 但是,一旦我看到它是如何工作的,它就会完全让我震惊。

Now, most people will read this article and go, “Good for Zell”, and go on with their daily lives. This defeats the purpose of this article.

现在,大多数人都将阅读这篇文章,并写到“对Zell有益”,并继续他们的日常生活。 这违背了本文的目的。

I wanted to share this article to help you rethink what you’re doing on a daily basis. Take a closer look at your life. Are you happy with it?

我想分享这篇文章,以帮助您重新考虑自己每天在做什么 。 仔细看看您的生活。 你满意吗?

If not, maybe it’s time for a change?


So here’s a challenge. Write these down:

所以这是一个挑战。 写下这些:

  1. What are you happy about?你开心什么
  2. What are you unhappy about?你对什么不满意
  3. What do you want to do more in your life?您想在生活中做什么?
  4. What do you want to do less in your life?您想少做些什么?
  5. What can you change to get a better life?您可以改变什么以获得更好的生活?

Then, I want you to share your thoughts with me in the comments below. I’ll read every one of them. You can also post your thoughts on Twitter and mention @me on Twitter and use the #scheduleExperiment hashtag to keep me updated about how it’s going.

然后,我希望您在下面的评论中与我分享您的想法 。 我将阅读其中的每一本书。 您也可以在Twitter上发布您的想法和提@me上的Twitter ,并使用#scheduleExperiment #标签,以让我了解一下是怎么回事。

Remember, your new schedule doesn’t need to be perfect. You can always tweak it along the way.

请记住,您的新时间表不必太完美。 您可以随时进行调整。

All the best!


Thanks for reading. Did this article help you in any way? If you did, I hope you consider sharing it. You might help someone out. Thank you!

谢谢阅读。 本文对您有任何帮助吗? 如果这样做, 希望您考虑共享它 。 您可能会帮助某人。 谢谢!

This article was originally posted at my blog.Sign up for my newsletter if you want more articles to help you become a better frontend developer.

本文最初发布在我的博客上 。 如果您想获得更多文章来帮助您成为更好的前端开发人员,请注册我的时事通讯 。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-to-become-more-productive-while-working-less-9b9be71e9141/



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