一,Ask for help(12-24)

A:Jim,Could you do me a faver?

B:Sure ,just ask ,what can I do for you?

A:My car has a problem starting,could you take a look at it for me?

B:No sweat,It's a piece of cake.

A:Are you sure?

B:Abselutely, I'm a great mechanic.

A:Thanks for helping me out,I really appreciate it.


二、It's a piece of cake to use a computer(12-25)

A:Lucy, I heard you have bought a new computer.

B:Yes,look,it is on my desk.

A:Your office is different with a computer.By the way ,is it difecult to use a


B:Not at all,It's a piece of cake.

A:A piece of cake?

B:Yes,it is esay and convenient to use a computer,But it takes a long time to really

master it.


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