
该软件使用.Net开发,所以需要安装.Net FrameWork环境,有图有真相

An efficient and portable program that helps you keep an eye on any changes that may appear in user-defined folders, while offering support for filters and email notifications

Written by Ana Marculescu

TheFolderSpy is a lightweight software application built specifically for helping you keep track of any changes that may appear in certain user-defined folders.

The advantages of being portable

Since this is a portable program, it is important to mention that it doesn’t leave any traces in the Windows Registry.

You can copy it on any USB flash drive or other devices, and take it with you whenever you need to monitor folder changes on the breeze, without having to go through installation steps.

Intuitive interface

It sports a clean layout that offers quick access to a set of well-organized functions. Since it doesn’t require much computer skills to work with this tool, even rookies can master the entire process with minimum effort.

Folder monitoring options 

TheFolderSpy gives you the possibility to monitor multiple directories and subfolders as well. You can keep an eye on importing changes that may appear in the selected folder, such as creation, modification, deletion, or renaming processes.

It provides automatic folder monitoring options, which means that the changes applied to the selected directory are automatically displayed in the primary panel. Hence, you are offered details about the file, type (e.g. deleted, renamed), time, user, and executed file.

Filters and email notifications 

A great feature of this program empowers you to spy only user-defined file extensions, such MP3, AC3, AIFF, AVI, MKV, WMV, PNG, BMP, and JPG. Plus, you are allowed to write command-line parameters.

When it comes to notifications, the app lets you send emails in case a change is detected to the target folder, run a user-defined tool, and reveal notifications in the system tray area.

Additional options enable you to edit or remove the selected directories, restart the utility, save items, write logs, as well as set up the email parameters. Last but not least, you can pause or stop the monitoring process, clear the entire information with just one click, run the tool at Windows startup, as well as save the log to plain text file format.

An overall efficient folder monitoring utility

All in all, TheFolderSpy makes the entire process seem nothing but a piece of cake. It combines an intuitive layout with powerful features in order to keep track of folder changes.




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