I hesitated, torn, but then the first bell sent me hurrying out the door — with a last glance confirming that he hadn't moved a centimeter.

As I half-ran to class, my head was spinning faster than the bottle cap.

So few questions had been answered in comparison to how many new questions had been raised. At least the rain had stopped.

I was lucky; Mr. Banner wasn't in the room yet when I arrived.

I settled quickly into my seat, aware that both Mike and Angela were staring at me.

Mike looked resentful; Angela looked surprised, and slightly awed.

Mr. Banner came in the room then, calling the class to order.

He was juggling a few small cardboard boxes in his arms.

He put them down on Mike's table, telling him to start passing them around the class.

Chapter 5 Blood Type——15相关推荐

  1. Chapter 5 Blood Type——24

    "She's just a little faint," he reassured the startled nurse. "They're blood typing i ...

  2. Chapter 5 Blood Type——11

    "I just wondered- if you could warn me beforehand the next time you decide to ignore me for my ...

  3. Chapter 5 Blood Type——33

    We were near the parking lot now. 我们现在离停车场不远. I veered left, toward my truck. Something caught my ja ...

  4. Chapter 5 Blood Type——12

    I blinked, my mind going blank. Holy crow, how did he do that? 我眨着眼睛,心里一片空白.天哪,他是怎么做到的? "Er, wh ...

  5. Chapter 5 Blood Type——31

    I stood carefully, and I was still fine. He held the door for me, his smile polite but his eyes mock ...

  6. Chapter 5 Blood Type——19

    "Are you feeling faint?" "你感觉头晕吗?" "Yes, sir," I muttered, internally ...

  7. Chapter 5 Blood Type——8

    He chuckled. "What are your plans?" 他窃笑道."那你的计划是什么?" I blushed. I had been vacil ...

  8. Chapter 5 Blood Type——2

    The rest of the morning passed in a blur. 早上剩下的时间都在模糊中度过了. It was difficult to believe that I hadn't ...

  9. Blood Type Diet

    转自:http://peoplecleaner.com/blood-type-diet/ Instead of designing a single diet plan to fit everyone ...


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