

                                                                                                                                                                Fleck是一个在C#中的WebSocket服务器端的一个实现.。分支自Nugget项目, Fleck不需要任何的继承、容器亦或是需要增加的引用就可以使用。



var server = new WebSocketServer("ws://");
server.Start(socket =>
{socket.OnOpen = () => Console.WriteLine("Open!");socket.OnClose = () => Console.WriteLine("Close!");socket.OnMessage = message => socket.Send(message);



  • Hixie-Draft-76/Hybi-00 (Safari 5, Chrome < 14, Firefox 4 (when enabled))
  • Hybi-07 (Firefox 6)
  • Hybi-10 (Chrome 14-16, Firefox 7)
  • Hybi-13 (Chrome 17+)

支持使用安全的网络通讯协议 (wss://)


1. 使用“wss”代替原来的“ws”;

2. 将Fleck指定一个包含一个共钥和私钥的x509证书;

var server = new WebSocketServer("wss://");
server.Certificate = new X509Certificate2("MyCert.pfx");
server.Start(socket =>
{//...use as normal


为了启用子协议协商,在 WebSocketServer.SupportedSubProtocols属性上进行指定声明。 协商的子协议将在套接字的 ConnectionInfo.NegotiatedSubProtocol上可用。如果在客户端请求(在用于WebSocket打开阶段握手的头字段①)上没有找到支持的子协议,则连接将被关闭。


var server = new WebSocketServer("ws://");
server.SupportedSubProtocols = new []{ "superchat", "chat" };
server.Start(socket =>
{//socket.ConnectionInfo.NegotiatedSubProtocol is populated


Fleck可以讲日志注入Log4Net等的一些第三方的日志系统中。仅仅需要用目标的日志行为方法注入一下FleckLog.LogAction 属性即可使用。

ILog logger = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(FleckLog));FleckLog.LogAction = (level, message, ex) => {switch(level) {case LogLevel.Debug:logger.Debug(message, ex);break;case LogLevel.Error:logger.Error(message, ex);break;case LogLevel.Warn:logger.Warn(message, ex);break;default:logger.Info(message, ex);break;}


将WebSocketConnection.ListenerSocket 中的 NoDelay设置为true。
var server = new WebSocketServer("ws://");
server.ListenerSocket.NoDelay = true;
server.Start(socket =>
{//Child connections will not use Nagle's Algorithm


设置WebSocketConnection 的 RestartAfterListenError 属性为true。

var server = new WebSocketServer("ws://");
server.RestartAfterListenError = true;
server.Start(socket =>
{//...use as normal



Fleck is a WebSocket server implementation in C#. Branched from the Nugget project, Fleck requires no inheritance, container, or additional references.


The following is an example that will echo to a client.

var server = new WebSocketServer("ws://");
server.Start(socket =>
{socket.OnOpen = () => Console.WriteLine("Open!");socket.OnClose = () => Console.WriteLine("Close!");socket.OnMessage = message => socket.Send(message);

Supported WebSocket Versions

Fleck supports several WebSocket versions of modern web browsers

  • Hixie-Draft-76/Hybi-00 (Safari 5, Chrome < 14, Firefox 4 (when enabled))
  • Hybi-07 (Firefox 6)
  • Hybi-10 (Chrome 14-16, Firefox 7)
  • Hybi-13 (Chrome 17+)

Secure WebSockets (wss://)

Enabling secure connections requires two things: using the scheme wss instead of ws, and pointing Fleck to an x509 certificate containing a public and private key

var server = new WebSocketServer("wss://");
server.Certificate = new X509Certificate2("MyCert.pfx");
server.Start(socket =>
{//...use as normal

SubProtocol Negotiation

To enable negotiation of subprotocols, specify the supported protocols on theWebSocketServer.SupportedSubProtocolsproperty. The negotiated subprotocol will be available on the socket's ConnectionInfo.NegotiatedSubProtocol.

If no supported subprotocols are found on the client request (the Sec-WebSocket-Protocol header), the connection will be closed.

var server = new WebSocketServer("ws://");
server.SupportedSubProtocols = new []{ "superchat", "chat" };
server.Start(socket =>
{//socket.ConnectionInfo.NegotiatedSubProtocol is populated

Custom Logging

Fleck can log into Log4Net or any other third party logging system. Just override the FleckLog.LogAction property with the desired behavior.

ILog logger = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(FleckLog));FleckLog.LogAction = (level, message, ex) => {switch(level) {case LogLevel.Debug:logger.Debug(message, ex);break;case LogLevel.Error:logger.Error(message, ex);break;case LogLevel.Warn:logger.Warn(message, ex);break;default:logger.Info(message, ex);break;}

Disable Nagle's Algorithm

Set NoDelay to true on the WebSocketConnection.ListenerSocket

var server = new WebSocketServer("ws://");
server.ListenerSocket.NoDelay = true;
server.Start(socket =>
{//Child connections will not use Nagle's Algorithm

Auto Restart After Listen Error

Set RestartAfterListenError to true on the WebSocketConnection

var server = new WebSocketServer("ws://");
server.RestartAfterListenError = true;
server.Start(socket =>
{//...use as normal



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