
Instead of designing a single diet plan to fit everyone, the blood type diet explores our physiological makeup and implements a specific diet plan suited each body’s needs.

The blood type diet operates under the principle that each type of blood absorbs and processes nutrients differently and thus responds to food and exercise in a unique manner. What is suitable to a person with type O blood may not work for another with type AB. These differences are believed to be the reason that fad diets are unsuccessful for so many.

My advice is to give it a try for a week or two. Come back and let us know how you feel. So far, it has worked pretty well for me and my family. But, it does not seem to fit for everyone (in my experience). So it is not a perfect science at this point.

My little (unofficial) experiment:

First I took one blood type A and one blood type O. Each of them did a green juice first thing in the morning (with nothing else but water). The A fealt SUPER AMAZING and the O fealt strange and lethargic. The next day they did a Super Morning Chocolate Shake. Both the A and the O fealt good, but, the A had bowel reactions and mucous formation. This could be detoxification, so the results can be misleading.

This was just a simple test. Try it for yourself and see how you fit into this. Perhaps try it with a variety of foods first thing in the morning. See how you feel about 15 mins later.

“I have a different constitution. I have a different brain;
I have a different heart; I got tiger blood, man.”
– Charlie Sheen

Type O

This blood type is associated with higher concentrations of stomach acid, and a higher than average occurrence of ulcers. Thyroid hormones tend to be lower in O-Types than others, and foods that increase hormone production are recommended. The blood type diet outlines these considerations for O’s

– Proteins from meat, chicken and fish are recommended for daily consumption. Beans and legumes are not easily digested, and should be used sparingly.

– Dairy should be highly restricted, including eggs and yogurt. Soft cheeses and butter may be eaten infrequently.

– Grains are difficult for O’s to digest, particularly wheat. Wheat gluten is a leading cause of weight gain for this blood type. Use barley, rice or buckwheat instead.

– Fruits and vegetables can be eaten with caution. Highly acidic citrus fruit may irritate the stomach, and vegetables in the cabbage family inhibit thyroid hormones.

Type A

Type A blood has been associated with greater incidents of cancer, heart disease and diabetes. A vegetarian diet is recommended for A-Type blood carriers, as their stomach’s acid content tends to be too low to properly digest meat proteins and dairy. Fruits, vegetables, beans and whole grains should comprise the majority of an A-Type’s intake. Basic guidelines:

– Proteins should be used rarely, if ever. Limit consumption to poultry, as other meats are difficult for the body to digest.

– Dairy products such as yogurt and soft cheeses may be occasionally eaten, but other varieties should be avoided.

Note: I have noticed that raw dairy works better for type A. The blood type diet does not specify raw or processed.

– Grains are easily digested and recommended for daily consumption. Choose whole grain options when possible.

– Fruits and vegetables are the cornerstone of the A-Type diet and ar recommended to be the majority of an A’s daily consumption.

Type B

Blood type B carriers have been identified as more likely to develop immune-system disorders and benefit from a well-balanced diet. Omnivorous B’s can easily digest most meat proteins, dairy, fruits and vegetables, but should eat seeds, nuts, and grains with caution. Foods containing lectins, which slow the body’s insulin production, should be avoided. The B-Type diet recommends:

– Proteins from meat, poultry, and seafood are all recommended for daily use. Do not eat chicken, as it has a high concentration of lectins. For the same reason, nuts and seeds are not recommended.

– Dairy may be consumed freely, but restrict consumption of processed cheeses.

– Grains should be highly restricted due to lectin content. Rice and oatmeal may be fully digested by a B.

– Fruits and vegetables should make up a large portion of this diet. Select dark green leafy vegetables when available.

Type AB

This blood type has traits of both A and B. Meat is not easily digestible, and foods containing lectin will slow the production of insulin in those with this blood. A weak immune system is associated with the AB blood type. Diet options should be fruit and vegetable heavy, while chicken and most grains should be used with reserve. The blood type diet says for AB’s:

– Proteins found in fish and tofu are the easiest to digest, and can be eaten regularly. Avoid chicken, and opt for lamb, mutton, or rabbit instead.

– Dairy products are easiest to digest if they are cultured or soured. Most cheeses, whole milk and ice cream should be avoided.

– Grains may be eaten, but wheat is not advised when an AB is attempting to lose weight. Choose rice when it is an option.

– Fruits and vegetables are fairly unrestricted, and will promote alkaline balance in the stomach as well as help the body remain more resistant to cancer or heart disease.

The blood type diet is a relatively new diet to me. If it proves itself out, it could change the way we all look at food and the body. Ask your friends what their blood type is, and see how they fit into the above story. I have been surprised at how accurate it can be. But, as I said earlier, some people just do not fit at all.

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