
Linux offers an array of tools for compressing and decompressing files. In this tutorial, we take a look at the Linux gzip command tool.

Linux提供了一系列用于压缩和解压缩文件的工具。 在本教程中,我们将研究Linux gzip命令工具。

Gzip is a file format as well as a software application which was created by Mark Adler and Jean-Loup Gailly and has been in use since the early Unix Systems.

Gzip是Mark Adler和Jean-Loup Gailly创建的一种文件格式以及一种软件应用程序,自早期Unix Systems以来就一直在使用。

Linux gzip command uses the (LZ77) Lempel-Ziv coding during its operations. Let’s dive in and see the various examples of how Gzip can be used.

Linux gzip命令在操作期间使用(LZ77)Lempel-Ziv编码。 让我们深入了解如何使用Gzip的各种示例。

使用Linux gzip命令压缩文件 (Compress a File using Linux gzip Command)

Compressing a file with gzip command is a walk in the park. Simply pass the file name as the argument as shown.

用gzip命令压缩文件是在公园散步。 只需将文件名作为参数传递即可,如图所示。

$ gzip [filename]

The final compressed file acquires a suffix .gz.


For example, I have 4 text files in my current working directory as shown below.


To compress file1.txt using gzip, the syntax will be.

要使用gzip压缩file1.txt ,语法将是。

$ gzip file1.txt

To view the compressed file, use the ls command.




It’s worth noting that the original text file has now been compressed and bears the .gz compression suffix.


强制gzip不替换/删除原始文件 (Force gzip not to replace/delete the original file)

As we have seen in the previous example, gzip replaces the original file and turns it into a compressed file.
However, you can opt to retain the original file using the -k option as shown.


gzip -k [file-name]

For example, to compress file1.txt to a .gz file whie retaining the same file execute the command.


$ gzip -k file1.txt

Be sure to verify using the ls command and note that the original file1.txt file is still present.


使用gzip递归压缩文件 (Recursively compress files using gzip)

To compress all files recursively inside a directory, use the -r option as shown.


$ gzip -r *

For example, there are 4 text file inside the test folder as shown.

例如,如图所示, 测试文件夹中有4个文本文件。

To compress all the files at a go run:


$ gzip -r *



使用gzip解压缩文件 (Uncompress a file using gzip)

If you want to uncompress a file, use the -d option a shown in the syntax below.


$ gzip -d [compressed file-name]

For instance, to uncompress file1.txt.gz run:


$ gzip -d file1.txt.gz



As you can see, the original compressed file disappears.


列出使用gzip压缩文件的详细信息 (List details of a compressed file using gzip)

To list details of a compressed file make use of the -l option as shown.


$ gzip -l [compressed-file-name]

For example,


$ gzip -l file1.txt.gz



如何调节gzip压缩的速度 (How to Regulate Speed of gzip Compression)

Gzip command also allows you to regulate the speed of compression. You can achieve this by specifying a hyphen (-) followed by a digit or number between 1 (Fastest) to 9 (Best). The default compression speed is 6.

Gzip命令还允许您调节压缩速度。 您可以通过指定连字符(-)后接1(最快)到9(最佳)之间的数字或数字来实现此目的。 默认压缩速度为6。

gzip -5 [file-name]

For instance:


gzip -5 file1.txt

You can use any digit/number between 1 and 9, where 1 denotes the fastest compression rate and 9 denotes the slowest compression rate but the most preferred.


And that wraps up the gzip command usage. Feel free to share your thoughts on this. Your feedback is most welcome.

这样就结束了gzip命令的用法。 随时分享您的想法。 非常欢迎您提供反馈。



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