
参与国家重点研发技术“网络安全空间安全专项”(项目),近年来,累计发表论文20篇,其中SCI 4篇,EI 10篇。成果 8万字,获得中国电影电视学慧科技奖奖项。


参与国家重点研发技术“网络安全空间安全专项”(项目),近年来,累计发表论文20篇,其中SCI 4篇,EI 10篇。成果 8万字,获得中国电影电视学慧科技奖奖项。








5、 3132015XNG1526, 互联网络设计中的可靠性研究,16万,主持














5、 3132015XNG1526, 互联网络设计中的可靠性研究,16万,主持







[1] Cao Jianxiang,Yuan Xudong , Sohn Moo Young Domination and bondage number of C5× Cn,Ars Combinatoria, Volume XCVIIA, October, 2010.

[2] Cao Jianxiang, Shi Minyong, Moo Young Sohn and Yuan Xudong, Domination in graphs with minimum degree six, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Informatics,Vol.26 NO.5-6, September 2008.

[3] Jianxiang Cao, Minyong Shi,Lihua Feng,ON THE EDGE- HYPER-HAMILTONIAN LACEABILITY OF BALANCED HYPERCUBES,Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory 36 (2016) 805–817.

[4 ]Cao Jianxiang, Moo Young Sohn, Shi Minyong, The domination and bondage number of Cn×phiC5, International Symposium on Graph Theory and Combinatorial Algorithms (GTCA), 2007.

[5] Lihua Feng, Guihai Yu, Zhengtao Jiang, Lingzhi Ren, Sharp upper bounds for the number of spanning trees of a graph, Appl. Anal. Discrete Math., 2(2008) 255--259. ISSN: 1452-8630

[6] Jianxiang Cao, Bin Wu,MinyongShi,Research On the total bondage number of a spectial network, The 2nd International Workshop on IntelligentInformationProcessing, May 28-31, 2010.

[7] Jianxiang Cao, Bin Wu,MinyongShi , Research on the Neural Networks and the Geodetic Number of the Graph,Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE International Conference on COGNITIVE INFORMATICS, June 15-17, 2009.

[8] Jianxiang Cao, Bin Wu,MinyongShi, The geodetic number of Cm×Cn, Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE International Conference onEngineering Management and Service Sciences,IEEE ICCI 2009: 418-421.

[9] Jianxiang Cao, Bin Wu, Virtural Home Library-Let every Chinese family having their own libraries at home , Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing, October12-17, 2008, Dalian, China.

[10] Lei Zhang, Jianxiang Cao, and Jianyu Li,Complex Networks: Statistical Properties,Community Structure, and Evolution,Mathematical Problems in Engineering,Volume 2015.

[11] Lei Zhang, Yong Hu, Jianxiang Cao, Formation and Statistical Properties on NameNetworks, 2014 3rd International Conference on Computer Science and ElectronicsEngineering, November 22-23, 2014, Sanya, China.

[12] Lihua Feng, Jianxiang Cao, Weijun Liua,b, Shifeng Ding, Henry Liu The spectral radius of edge chromatic critical graphs,Linear Algebra & Its Applications,2016,492:78-88.

[13] Yinan Yuwen, Jianxiang Cao, Weiguo Lin Analysis on Radio and Television Development. The 8th International Workshop on IntelligentComputational Science (ICS 2017).

[14] Liu mengyu, shang wenqian,Cao jianxiang,The Design and Implement of Script Authoring Assistant Systemof Film and Television Big Data,17th IEEE/ACIS International conference 2017.


[1] Cao Jianxiang,Yuan Xudong , Sohn Moo Young Domination and bondage number of C5× Cn,Ars Combinatoria, Volume XCVIIA, October, 2010.

[2] Cao Jianxiang, Shi Minyong, Moo Young Sohn and Yuan Xudong, Domination in graphs with minimum degree six, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Informatics,Vol.26 NO.5-6, September 2008.

[3] Jianxiang Cao, Minyong Shi,Lihua Feng,ON THE EDGE- HYPER-HAMILTONIAN LACEABILITY OF BALANCED HYPERCUBES,Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory 36 (2016) 805–817.

[4 ]Cao Jianxiang, Moo Young Sohn, Shi Minyong, The domination and bondage number of Cn×phiC5, International Symposium on Graph Theory and Combinatorial Algorithms (GTCA), 2007.

[5] Lihua Feng, Guihai Yu, Zhengtao Jiang, Lingzhi Ren, Sharp upper bounds for the number of spanning trees of a graph, Appl. Anal. Discrete Math., 2(2008) 255--259. ISSN: 1452-8630

[6] Jianxiang Cao, Bin Wu,MinyongShi,Research On the total bondage number of a spectial network, The 2nd International Workshop on IntelligentInformationProcessing, May 28-31, 2010.

[7] Jianxiang Cao, Bin Wu,MinyongShi , Research on the Neural Networks and the Geodetic Number of the Graph,Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE International Conference on COGNITIVE INFORMATICS, June 15-17, 2009.

[8] Jianxiang Cao, Bin Wu,MinyongShi, The geodetic number of Cm×Cn, Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE International Conference onEngineering Management and Service Sciences,IEEE ICCI 2009: 418-421.

[9] Jianxiang Cao, Bin Wu, Virtural Home Library-Let every Chinese family having their own libraries at home , Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing, October12-17, 2008, Dalian, China.

[10] Lei Zhang, Jianxiang Cao, and Jianyu Li,Complex Networks: Statistical Properties,Community Structure, and Evolution,Mathematical Problems in Engineering,Volume 2015.

[11] Lei Zhang, Yong Hu, Jianxiang Cao, Formation and Statistical Properties on NameNetworks, 2014 3rd International Conference on Computer Science and ElectronicsEngineering, November 22-23, 2014, Sanya, China.

[12] Lihua Feng, Jianxiang Cao, Weijun Liua,b, Shifeng Ding, Henry Liu The spectral radius of edge chromatic critical graphs,Linear Algebra & Its Applications,2016,492:78-88.

[13] Yinan Yuwen, Jianxiang Cao, Weiguo Lin Analysis on Radio and Television Development. The 8th International Workshop on IntelligentComputational Science (ICS 2017).

[14] Liu mengyu, shang wenqian,Cao jianxiang,The Design and Implement of Script Authoring Assistant Systemof Film and Television Big Data,17th IEEE/ACIS International conference 2017.

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