今天研究下truth table,算法鸽一天(真不是我懒,相信我QAQ



def change_prefix_form(truth_formula):              # 将字符串式转换为后缀式operators_list = ["!", "&", "|", "*", "+"]operators_stack = []final_stack = []for i in truth_formula:if i not in operators_list and i not in ["(", ")"]:final_stack.append(i)elif i == "(":operators_stack.append(i)elif i == ")":pop_value = operators_stack.pop()while pop_value != "(" and len(operators_stack) >= 1:final_stack.append(pop_value)pop_value = operators_stack.pop()elif i in operators_list:if len(operators_stack) == 0:operators_stack.append(i)else:while operators_stack \and operators_stack[-1] in operators_list \and operators_list.index(operators_stack[-1]) <= operators_list.index(i):final_stack.append(operators_stack.pop())operators_stack.append(i)while operators_stack:final_stack.append(operators_stack.pop())return "".join(final_stack)def find_all_element(prefix_string):            # 找到字符串中所有不重复的元素,不包含运算符和括号list1 = []for i in prefix_string:if i not in ["!", "&", "|", "*", "+", "(", ")"] and i not in list1:list1.append(i)return list1def create_dict(diff_element):                  # 建立字典,类似于:{“p”: None, "q": None}return {i: None for i in diff_element if i not in ["!", "&", "|", "*", "+", "(", ")"]}def main_judge(temp_list):                      # 进行判断,and, or, not, If then, Equivalent topointer = 0while len(temp_list) > 1:if temp_list[pointer] in ["!", "&", "|", "*", "+"]:if temp_list[pointer] == "!":  # nottemp_list[pointer - 1] = 1 if int(temp_list[pointer - 1]) == 0 else 0temp_list[pointer:pointer + 1] = []pointer = 0continueelif temp_list[pointer] == "&":  # andtemp_list[pointer] = 1 if int(temp_list[pointer - 2]) == 1 and int(temp_list[pointer - 1]) == 1 else 0temp_list[pointer - 2:pointer] = []pointer = 0continueelif temp_list[pointer] == "|":  # ortemp_list[pointer] = 0 if int(temp_list[pointer - 2]) == 0 and int(temp_list[pointer - 1]) == 0 else 1temp_list[pointer - 2:pointer] = []pointer = 0continueelif temp_list[pointer] == "*":  # If thentemp_list[pointer] = 0 if int(temp_list[pointer - 2]) == 1 and int(temp_list[pointer - 1]) == 0 else 1temp_list[pointer - 2:pointer] = []pointer = 0continueelif temp_list[pointer] == "+":  # Equivalent totemp_list[pointer] = 1 if int(temp_list[pointer - 2]) == int(temp_list[pointer - 1]) else 0temp_list[pointer - 2:pointer] = []pointer = 0continuepointer += 1print(temp_list[0])def enumerate_all(index, element_dict, element_list, prefix_string):      # 进行循环,来得到truth table的初始值if index == len(element_dict):print("\t".join(list(element_dict.values())), end="\t")temp_list = [element_dict[i] if i in element_dict else i for i in prefix_string]  # ["0", "0", "&"]...main_judge(temp_list)returnelement_dict[element_list[index]] = "0"enumerate_all(index + 1, element_dict, element_list, prefix_string)element_dict[element_list[index]] = "1"enumerate_all(index + 1, element_dict, element_list, prefix_string)if __name__ == "__main__":"""!:not &:and|:or*:If then+:Equivalent to"""# 例子1: p&q|r*q&!s|r# 例子2: s|(p&q)# (p*q)&!r  p&q|r*q&!s|roriginal_string = input("pls enter the truth formula: ")print("-" * (len(original_string) - 1) * 5)# 1.转换原表达式为后缀形式prefix_string = change_prefix_form(original_string)# 2.拿到所有不同的元素   类似p, q, s...element_list = find_all_element(prefix_string)# 3.创建元素字典element_dict = create_dict(element_list)# 4.打印表头print('\t'.join(element_list) + "\t" + original_string)print("-" * (len(original_string)-1)*5)# 5.枚举每一个元素enumerate_all(0, element_dict, element_list, prefix_string)


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