
Guest mode for Google Chrome and on Chromebooks is perfect if you need to lend your computer to a friend without giving them complete access to all your personal information stored inside your browser. Here’s how to browse as a Guest.

如果您需要将计算机借给朋友而不允许他们完全访问浏览器中存储的所有个人信息,则Google Chrome和Chromebook上的访客模式非常适合。 以访客身份浏览的方法如下。

访客模式和隐身模式之间有什么区别? (What’s the Difference Between Guest Mode and Incognito Mode?)

While neither Guest mode nor Incognito mode saves any information while browsing, there are a few differences that separate the two and might have you choosing Guest mode the next time you need to lend out your computer.


访客模式 (Guest Mode)

Guest mode is a separate, temporary account in Chrome and on Chromebooks that clears up your digital trail for you after you log out or exit. It’s ideal for when someone wants to borrow your computer to access the internet or if you’re using a public computer, like one in a library or school. Anything you do while browsing as a guest won’t be saved. This includes cookies, passwords, history, and access to extensions. Also, guests can’t see or modify the computer owner’s Chrome profile.

访客模式是Chrome和Chromebook中的一个单独的临时帐户,可在您注销或退出后为您清除数字记录。 如果有人想借用您的计算机访问互联网,或者您正在使用公用计算机(例如图书馆或学校中的公用计算机),则此方法非常理想。 您以访客身份浏览时所做的任何操作均不会保存。 这包括cookie,密码,历史记录和对扩展的访问。 另外,访客无法查看或修改计算机所有者的Chrome配置文件。

While using Guest mode, guests aren’t able to access any of your personal information stored in your browser; this includes all your bookmarks, existing browsing history, saved passwords, autofill data, and other Chrome settings.

在使用访客模式时,访客无法访问存储在浏览器中的任何个人信息; 其中包括您所有的书签,现有的浏览历史记录,保存的密码,自动填充数据和其他Chrome设置。

无痕模式 (Incognito Mode)

Incognito mode is best used for browsing privately on your own computer—not just for browsing inappropriate sites without leaving a trace—and just like Guest mode, Incognito doesn’t save anything you’ve done while browsing. Also, Incognito disables extensions that you’ve installed to Chrome unless you grant the extensions access.

隐身模式最适合用于在自己的计算机上进行私密浏览-不仅用于浏览不适当的网站而不会留下痕迹-就像来宾模式一样,隐身模式不会保存您在浏览过程中所做的任何事情。 此外, 除非您授予扩展程序访问权限,否则隐身功能会禁用已安装到Chrome 的扩展程序。

While using Incognito mode—and the main reason this should be reserved for use on your own computer—you still have access to all your bookmarks, existing browsing history, saved passwords, Autofill data, and other Chrome settings. Those are things that you don’t want other people who are using your computer to get their hands on.

使用隐身模式(这是应保留在自己的计算机上使用的主要原因)时,您仍然可以访问所有书签,现有的浏览历史记录,保存的密码,自动填充数据和其他Chrome设置。 这些都是您不希望其他使用您的计算机的人动手操作的。

But that’s why Guest Mode exists. It’s a better option for letting someone else use your computer.

但这就是为什么存在访客模式的原因。 这是让其他人使用您的计算机的更好选择。

如何以访客身份在Chrome中浏览 (How to Browse as a Guest in Chrome)

Now that we have all of the gritty little details out of the way let’s fire up Chrome and enable Guest mode.


With Chrome open, click on your profile picture in the top right corner, then click on “Open Guest Window.”


If, for some reason, you don’t see “Open Guest Window,” don’t worry. Click on “Manage People” to open a window with a list of Chrome accounts for your browser.

如果由于某种原因而看不到“打开访客窗口”,请不要担心。 点击“管理人员”以打开一个窗口,其中包含浏览器的Chrome帐户列表。

From this window, click “Browse as Guest.”


Regardless of which method you use to get there, a new window will open that is now using the guest account on Chrome.


To exit Guest mode, click the Guest icon in the top-right in the Guest window and then click on “Exit Guest.”


The window closes, taking all your browsing history, cookies, and record of anything you did while using Guest Mode with it.


如何以访客身份在Chromebook上浏览 (How to Browse as a Guest on a Chromebook)

Using a Chromebook as a guest works similar to how it does in Chrome. You log in to a temporary profile, then when you’re done, log off, and the guest account gets wiped clean, leaving no trace of your existence on the computer.

将Chromebook用作访客时,其工作原理与在Chrome中类似。 您登录到临时配置文件,然后完成操作,注销,来宾帐户被清除干净,在计算机上没有任何痕迹。

Logging in to a guest profile is super useful if you don’t want to stay signed in while lending your Chromebook to a friend or when using one in a public space, like at a school or library.


You need to sign out before entering the Guest account, so if you’re signed into the Chromebook, click the time in the system tray and then click “Sign Out.”


Next, from the lock screen, click “Browse as Guest.”


If you’re using your Chromebook at work or school and don’t see “Browse as Guest,” your administrator has turned off guest browsing, and you may need to contact them to enable guest browsing.


Browsing and using a Chromebook with a guest profile is limited in functionality and the apps that are available on it. Also, you won’t see any other user’s files.

使用来宾个人资料浏览和使用Chromebook的功能和可用应用程序受到限制。 此外,您将看不到任何其他用户的文件。

To sign out of a guest account, click the time in the system tray and then click on “Exit Guest.”


All your files, cookies, website data, and browsing activity will be cleared when you sign out of the guest account.


Using Guest mode does stop Chrome and Chromebook from saving your data, cookies, passwords, and browsing activity but it doesn’t make you completely anonymous online, and you might still be visible to:


  • Websites you visit, including the ads and resources used on those sites您访问的网站,包括这些网站上使用的广告和资源
  • Your employer, school, or whoever runs the network you’re using您的雇主,学校或运行您正在使用的网络的任何人
  • Your internet service provider您的互联网服务提供商

If you really want to browse the web anonymously, try downloading and using Tor.

如果您真的想匿名浏览Web,请尝试下载并使用Tor 。




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