
Chromebooks are geared toward storing files in the cloud, but that doesn’t mean they can’t handle local files. If there’s something on your Chromebook that you’d like to move with a USB flash drive, we’ll show you how.

Chromebook旨在将文件存储在云中,但这并不意味着它们无法处理本地文件。 如果您想使用USB闪存驱动器在Chromebook上移动某些物品,我们将向您展示如何操作。

Google’s original pitch with Chromebooks was to push “cloud computing.” The idea was the storage of your files wouldn’t be reliant on hardware. However, as Chromebooks are used more and more like “regular” computers, local storage becomes more important. Sometimes, there’s no replacement for a trusty USB thumb drive.

Google最初对Chromebook的宣传是推动“云计算”。 这个想法是文件的存储不会依赖硬件。 但是,随着Chromebook越来越像“常规”计算机一样使用,本地存储变得越来越重要。 有时,没有可替代的USB拇指驱动器。

First, plug a USB flash drive into your Chromebook. You will see a notification saying “Removable Device Detected.”

首先,将USB闪存驱动器插入Chromebook。 您将看到一条通知,指出“检测到可移动设备”。

Next, click the “App Launcher” icon in the bottom-left corner to see all of the apps on your Chromebook. From there, open the “Files” app.

接下来,点击左下角的“应用启动器”图标,以查看Chromebook上的所有应用。 从那里打开“文件”应用程序。

Find the file you want to copy to your flash drive and right-click on it.


Select “Copy” from the context menu.


Now, click on your “USB Drive” in the left sidebar.

现在,单击左侧栏中的“ USB驱动器”。

Right-click on a blank space in the USB Drive window and then select the “Paste” option.

在“ USB驱动器”窗口中的空白处上单击鼠标右键,然后选择“粘贴”选项。

If you want to put the file inside a folder on the flash drive, first open that folder and then paste.

如果要将文件放在闪存驱动器上的文件夹中,请先打开该文件夹, 然后粘贴。

Alternatively, you can drag and drop to copy files. Click and hold on a file and drag it over the top of your USB Drive. If you hover over the drive for a few seconds, it will expand to reveal any folders on the drive. Drop the file to paste it on the drive.

或者,您可以拖放以复制文件。 单击并按住文件,然后将其拖到USB驱动器的顶部。 如果将鼠标悬停在驱动器上几秒钟,它将展开以显示驱动器上的所有文件夹。 拖放文件以将其粘贴到驱动器上。

Finally, to safely remove the USB flash drive, click the “Eject” icon and pull out the drive.


That’s all there is to it! Copying files to a USB flash drive on Chromebooks works pretty much as it does on any other Windows 10 PC or Mac.

这里的所有都是它的! 将文件复制到Chromebook上的USB闪存驱动器上的工作原理几乎与在其他Windows 10 PC或Mac上一样。




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