kotlin 类和对象

In the below program, we are creating a student class to input and print the student data like name, age. It is a simple example of creating class in Kotlin.

在下面的程序中,我们将创建一个学生班级,以输入和打印学生数据,例如姓名,年龄。 这是在Kotlin中创建类的简单示例。



  • The compiler creates a default constructor if we do not declare a constructor.


  • Class properties must be initialized.


Kotlin学生课程 (Program for student class in Kotlin)

package com.includehelp
// Class declaration,
class Student{
//member variables of class
private var name: String=""
private var age: Int=0
//Member functions of class to set student name
fun setStudentName(name:String){
//Member functions of class to set student age
fun setStudentAge(age:Int){
//Member functions of class to return student details
fun getStudentDetails():String{
return "Name :  $name, Age : $age"
//Main function, Entry Point of Program
fun main(args:Array<String>){
//Create Object of Student Class
val student1 = Student() // There is no 'new' keyword
// set Student age and name to call member functions of class
//print Student details bt ccall getStudentDetails members functions
println("Student : ${student1.getStudentDetails()}")
//Create Second object of student class
val student2 = Student()
println("Student : ${student2.getStudentDetails()}")



Student : Name :  Mike, Age : 30
Student : Name :  Irina, Age : 23

翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/kotlin/example-of-class-and-object-with-student-data.aspx

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