C ++ llabs()函数 (C++ llabs() function)

llabs() function is a library function of cstdlib header. It used to get the absolute of the given value. This function is similar to the abs() and labs() functions except for the type of the parameter, it is used for the long long integer values. It accepts a parameter and returns the absolute value.

llabs()函数cstdlib标头的库函数。 它用来获取给定值的绝对值。 除了参数的类型外,此函数与abs()和labs()函数类似,它用于long long整数值。 它接受一个参数并返回绝对值。

Syntax of llabs() function:



C ++ 11:

    long long int llabs (long long int n);



  • n – represents the value whose absolute value to found.

    n –表示要找到其绝对值的值。

Return value:


The return type of this function is long long int, it returns the absolute value.

该函数的返回类型为long long int ,它返回绝对值。



n = -1234567890987654321
Function call:
n = 1234567890987654321
Function call:

C ++代码演示llabs()函数的示例 (C++ code to demonstrate the example of llabs() function)

// C++ code to demonstrate the example of
// llabs() function
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
// main() section
int main()
long long int n;
n = -1234567890987654321;
cout << "llabs(" << n << "): " << llabs(n) << endl;
n = 1234567890987654321;
cout << "llabs(" << n << "): " << llabs(n) << endl;
n = -1111222233334444555;
cout << "llabs(" << n << "): " << llabs(n) << endl;
n = 1111222233334444555;
cout << "llabs(" << n << "): " << llabs(n) << endl;
return 0;



llabs(-1234567890987654321): 1234567890987654321
llabs(1234567890987654321): 1234567890987654321
llabs(-1111222233334444555): 1111222233334444555
llabs(1111222233334444555): 1111222233334444555

Reference: C++ llabs() function

参考: C ++ llabs()函数

翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/cpp-tutorial/llabs-function-with-example.aspx

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