
C ++ Atoll()函数 (C++ atoll() function)

atoll() function is a library function of cstdlib header. It is used to convert the given string value to the integer value. It accepts a string containing an integer (integral) number and returns its long long long integer value.

atoll()函数cstdlib标头的库函数。 它用于将给定的字符串值转换为整数值。 它接受包含整数(整数)的字符串,并返回其long long long整数值。

Syntax of atoll() function:



C ++ 11:

    long long int atoll (const char * str);



  • str – represents a string containing an integer (integral) number.

    str –表示包含整数(整数)的字符串。

Return value:


The return type of this function is long long int, it returns the long long long integer converted value.

此函数的返回类型为long long int ,它返回long long long long整数转换后的值。



str = "123456789012345";
Function call:

C ++代码演示atoll()函数示例 (C++ code to demonstrate the example of atoll() function)

// C++ code to demonstrate the example of
// atoll() function
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <string.h>
using namespace std;
// main() section
int main()
char str[50];
strcpy(str, "123456789");
cout << "atoll(\"" << str << "\"): " << atoll(str) << endl;
strcpy(str, "-123456789");
cout << "atoll(\"" << str << "\"): " << atoll(str) << endl;
strcpy(str, "0");
cout << "atoll(\"" << str << "\"): " << atoll(str) << endl;
strcpy(str, "9876543120");
cout << "atoll(\"" << str << "\"): " << atoll(str) << endl;
strcpy(str, "-9876543120");
cout << "atoll(\"" << str << "\"): " << atoll(str) << endl;
strcpy(str, "123456789012345");
cout << "atoll(\"" << str << "\"): " << atoll(str) << endl;
return 0;



atoll("123456789"): 123456789
atoll("-123456789"): -123456789
atoll("0"): 0
atoll("9876543120"): 9876543120
atoll("-9876543120"): -9876543120
atoll("123456789012345"): 123456789012345

Reference: C++ atoll() function

参考: C ++ atoll()函数

翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/cpp-tutorial/atoll-function-with-example.aspx


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