c语言 函数的参数传递示例

C语言中的remove()函数 (remove() function in C)

The remove() function is defined in the <stdio.h> header file.




    int remove(const char* filename);

Parameters: const char *filename

参数: const char *文件名

Return type: int

返回类型: int

Use of function:


When we are dealing with files then sometimes we need to erase or delete some files. In file handling, we use remove() function to erase the files. The prototype of the function remove() is int remove(const char* filename);

当我们处理文件时,有时我们需要擦除或删除一些文件。 在文件处理中,我们使用remove()函数擦除文件。 函数remove()原型是int remove(const char * filename);

Here, filename is the name of the file which has to be erased. It returns zero if the file is successfully deleted and non zero if an error occurred.

在这里, 文件名是必须删除的文件的名称。 如果成功删除了文件,则返回零;如果发生错误,则返回非零。

C语言中的remove()示例 (remove() example in C)

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main(){FILE *f;
//Check the existence of that file
printf("File does not exist...\n");
else{printf("File is exist.\n");
//remove file
printf("Remove error.....\n");
printf("File is removed\n");
//Check the existence of that file
if((f=fopen("includehelp.txt","r"))==NULL){printf("File does not exist...\n");
else{printf("File is exist.\n");
return 0;



翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/c-programs/remove-function-in-c-language-with-example.aspx

c语言 函数的参数传递示例

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