
When you make a new shortcut in Windows, it automatically adds “- Shortcut” to the end of the shortcut’s file name. This doesn’t seem like a big deal, but they can be bothersome. Sure, you can remove the text yourself when you create the shortcut, but why not stop it from happening in the first place?

在Windows中创建新的快捷方式时,它将自动在快捷方式文件名的末尾添加“-快捷方式”。 这似乎没什么大不了的,但是它们可能很麻烦。 当然,您可以在创建快捷方式时自行删除文本,但是为什么不首先阻止它发生呢?

After all, we already have a shortcut arrow overlaid onto the icons of shortcuts—unless you’ve removed the arrows. How much reminding do we really need that they are, in fact, shortcuts? Plus, if you keep a lot of shortcuts around, the extra length on their names can get cumbersome. If you’re willing to make a quick change to the Windows Registry—or download our one-click hacks—you can prevent Windows from adding the text in the first place.

毕竟,我们已经有一个快捷方式箭头覆盖在快捷方式的图标上,除非您已删除箭头。 实际上,我们真正需要多少提醒它们是快捷方式? 另外,如果您保留许多快捷方式,那么它们名称上的多余长度会变得很麻烦。 如果您愿意快速更改Windows注册表(或下载我们的一键式黑客程序),则可以防止Windows首先添加文本。

通过手动编辑注册表来删除“-快捷方式”文本 (Remove the “- Shortcut” Text by Editing the Registry Manually)

To remove the “- Shortcut” text for any PC running Windows Vista all the way through Windows 10, you just need to make an adjustment to one setting in the Windows Registry.

要删除从Windows 10一直运行Windows Vista的任何PC的“-快捷方式”文本,您只需要对Windows注册表中的一项设置进行调整。

Standard warning: Registry Editor is a powerful tool and misusing it can render your system unstable or even inoperable. This is a pretty simple hack and as long as you stick to the instructions, you shouldn’t have any problems. That said, if you’ve never worked with it before, consider reading about how to use the Registry Editor before you get started. And definitely back up the Registry (and your computer!) before making changes.

标准警告:注册表编辑器是一个功能强大的工具,滥用它会使您的系统不稳定甚至无法运行。 这是一个非常简单的技巧,只要您按照说明进行操作,就不会有任何问题。 也就是说,如果您以前从未使用过它,请在开始之前考虑阅读有关如何使用注册表编辑器的信息。 并在进行更改之前一定要备份注册表(和您的计算机!)。

Open the Registry Editor by hitting Start and typing “regedit.” Press Enter to open Registry Editor and give it permission to make changes to your PC.

通过单击开始并键入“ regedit”来打开注册表编辑器。 按Enter键打开注册表编辑器,并授予其对PC进行更改的权限。

In the Registry Editor, use the left sidebar to navigate to the following key:



On the right-hand side, scroll down and locate a value named link. If you don’t see the value, you’ll need to create it by right-clicking the Explorer key, choosing New > Binary Value, and then naming the new value “link.”

在右侧,向下滚动并找到一个名为l ink的值。 如果看不到该值,则需要通过右键单击Explorer键,选择“新建”>“二进制值”,然后将新值命名为“ link”来创建它。

When you’ve found—or created—the link value, double-click it to open its properties window. In the “Value data” box, replace the current value with “00 00 00 00.” Note that the current value you see will depend on what version and edition of Windows you’re running. It doesn’t matter what’s there already. Just replace it with all zeroes.

找到或创建l ink值后,双击它以打开其属性窗口。 在“数值数据”框中,将当前值替换为“ 00 00 00 00”。 请注意,您看到的当前值将取决于您正在运行的Windows版本。 那里已经有什么都没关系。 只需将其替换为全零即可。

You’ll need to restart your computer (or sign out and back in) to complete the change. Test it out by creating a new shortcut. Windows should no longer add the “- Shortcut” text. If you want to reverse the changes, just head back into the Registry and delete the link value. This will work whether the value was already there or you created it yourself. Windows will recreate the value with the default setting when it needs to.

您需要重新启动计算机(或注销并重新登录)以完成更改。 通过创建新的快捷方式进行测试。 Windows不应再添加“-快捷方式”文本。 如果要撤消更改,只需回到注册表并删除l ink值。 无论值已经存在还是您自己创建它,它都将起作用。 Windows将在需要时使用默认设置重新创建该值。

下载我们的一键式注册表黑客 (Download Our One-Click Registry Hacks)

If you don’t feel like diving into the Registry yourself, we’ve created some a couple of Registry hacks you can use. The “Remove Shortcut Text” hack sets the link value to 0, creating the value if it needs to. The “Restore Shortcut Text (Default)” hack deletes the value, restoring the default and causing Windows to add the “- Shortcut” text again. Both hacks are included in the following ZIP file. Double-click the one you want to use and click through the prompts. When you’ve applied the hack you want, restart your computer (or log off and back on).

如果您不想自己进入注册表,我们已经创建了一些可以使用的注册表黑客。 “删除快捷方式文本”技巧将link值设置为0,并在需要时创建该值。 “还原快捷方式文本(默认)” hack会删除该值,还原默认值,并使Windows再次添加“-快捷方式”文本。 这两种黑客都包含在以下ZIP文件中。 双击您要使用的一个,然后单击提示。 应用所需的黑客程序后,请重新启动计算机(或注销并重新启动)。

Shortcut Text Hacks


These hacks are really just the Explorer key, stripped down to the link value we talked about in the previous section and then exported to a .REG file. And if you enjoy fiddling with the Registry, it’s worth taking the time to learn how to make your own Registry hacks.

这些hack实际上只是Explorer密钥,被精简为我们在上一节中讨论的link值,然后导出到.REG文件。 而且,如果您喜欢使用注册表,则值得花时间学习如何制作自己的注册表黑客。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/remove-shortcut-text-from-new-shortcuts-in-vista/



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