
Windows 10 is packed with convenient keyboard shortcuts. One especially handy shortcut lets you open File Explorer in an instant from any application. This trick dates back to Windows 95, and it still works on Windows 10 today.

Windows 10随附了便捷的键盘快捷键。 一个特别方便的快捷方式使您可以从任何应用程序中立即打开File Explorer。 此技巧可以追溯到Windows 95 ,并且今天仍然可以在Windows 10上使用。

If you’d like to open File Explorer with a keyboard shortcut, press Windows+E, and an Explorer window will pop up.

如果您想使用键盘快捷键打开“文件资源管理器”,请按Windows + E,然后会弹出一个资源管理器窗口。

From there you can manage your files as usual.


To open up another Explorer window, press Windows+E again, or press Ctrl+N if Explorer is already open. To close an Explorer window with a keyboard shortcut, press Ctrl+W.

要打开另一个资源管理器窗口,请再次按Windows + E,如果已打开资源管理器,请按Ctrl + N。 要使用键盘快捷键关闭资源管理器窗口,请按Ctrl + W。

If you’re interested in learning more, explore the many other Windows keyboard shortcuts available.

如果您想了解更多信息,请浏览其他可用的Windows键盘快捷键 。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/661247/how-to-open-file-explorer-with-a-keyboard-shortcut-on-windows-10/


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