
Windows 8 comes with a new hybrid boot system, this means that your PC is never really off. It also means that Windows has the permission to wake your PC as it needs. Here’s how to stop it from waking up your PC to do maintenance tasks.

Windows 8带有新的混合启动系统,这意味着您的PC永远不会真正关机。 这也意味着Windows有权根据需要唤醒您的PC。 这是防止唤醒计算机执行维护任务的方法。

如何停止Windows 8唤醒计算机以运行维护 (How to Stop Windows 8 Waking Up Your PC to Run Maintenance)

Right click in the bottom left hand corner of your screen to bring up the WinX menu and launch the Control Panel.


When the Control Panel opens head into the System and Security section.


Then into the Action Center.


Now you will need to expand the Maintenance section.


Then click on the Change maintenance settings hyperlink.


Here you will see a box that allows Windows to wake your PC up to do maintenance tasks, uncheck it.


That’s all there is to it, click OK and you are good to go.


Note: we don’t recommend changing this setting, but it is good to know.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/127818/how-to-stop-windows-8-waking-up-your-pc-to-run-maintenance/


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