
一、local name 和device name的区别

关于local name 和device name,很多人可能有疑惑,为什么蓝牙有两个名字。可以这样简单地区分:
1.Local Name是广播出来的。Device Name是GATT service中的一个特性,需要连接后才能读或写。。
2.Local Name不能过长,因为广播包数据长度有限。Local Name有两类short和long。具体长度可以自己设置。Device Name的最长为248byte。Local Name最长能到达29bytes。

3.Local Name和Device Name要求保持一致性。Local Name必须是Device Name的开始连续的一部分或全部。例如Device Name是"BT_DEVICE",则Local Name可以是"BT_D"或 “BT_DEVICE”。



我们看看nordic sdk15.0的代码是如何去设置这两个名字的。

整个工程我们只看到“DEVICE_NAME”的宏定义。只找到设置Device Name,找不到设置local name的代码,其实是隐藏起来了。我们找到下面这个函数ble_advdata_encode,最后一段

这里是编码,把所有的adv data组合起来,用于广播的。我们再看深一层,看看name_encode这个函数。在这个函数里找到获取宏定义DEVICE_NAME里函数。

 // Get GAP device name and lengtherr_code = sd_ble_gap_device_name_get(&p_encoded_data[(*p_offset) +AD_DATA_OFFSET],  &actual_length);



#define DEVICE_NAME                         "Nordic_HRM__Nordic_HRM__Nordic_HRM__Nordic_HRM__Nordic_HRM__Nordic_HRM__Nordic_HRM__"                            /**< Name of device. Will be included in the advertising data. */

我们再看看是哪里出现的问题,device name的长度最长是248,local name的长度看广播了多少东西,但是这个name_encode这个函数帮我们截断,不用我们担心。

    err_code = sd_ble_gap_device_name_set(&sec_mode,(const uint8_t *)DEVICE_NAME,strlen(DEVICE_NAME));


/**@brief Set GAP device name.** @note  If the device name is located in application flash memory (see @ref ble_gap_cfg_device_name_t),*        it cannot be changed. Then @ref NRF_ERROR_FORBIDDEN will be returned.** @param[in] p_write_perm Write permissions for the Device Name characteristic, see @ref ble_gap_conn_sec_mode_t.* @param[in] p_dev_name Pointer to a UTF-8 encoded, <b>non NULL-terminated</b> string.* @param[in] len Length of the UTF-8, <b>non NULL-terminated</b> string pointed to by p_dev_name in octets (must be smaller or equal than @ref BLE_GAP_DEVNAME_MAX_LEN).** @retval ::NRF_SUCCESS GAP device name and permissions set successfully.* @retval ::NRF_ERROR_INVALID_ADDR Invalid pointer supplied.* @retval ::NRF_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM Invalid parameter(s) supplied.* @retval ::NRF_ERROR_DATA_SIZE Invalid data size(s) supplied.* @retval ::NRF_ERROR_FORBIDDEN Device name is not writable.*/
SVCALL(SD_BLE_GAP_DEVICE_NAME_SET, uint32_t, sd_ble_gap_device_name_set(ble_gap_conn_sec_mode_t const *p_write_perm, uint8_t const *p_dev_name, uint16_t len));

还是看不到什么东西,再看看这个类型 ble_gap_cfg_device_name_t

/*** @brief Device name and its properties, set with @ref sd_ble_cfg_set.** @note  If the device name is not configured, the default device name will be*        @ref BLE_GAP_DEVNAME_DEFAULT, the maximum device name length will be*        @ref BLE_GAP_DEVNAME_DEFAULT_LEN, vloc will be set to @ref BLE_GATTS_VLOC_STACK and the device name*        will have no write access.** @note  If @ref max_len is more than @ref BLE_GAP_DEVNAME_DEFAULT_LEN and vloc is set to @ref BLE_GATTS_VLOC_STACK,*        the attribute table size must be increased to have room for the longer device name (see*        @ref sd_ble_cfg_set and @ref ble_gatts_cfg_attr_tab_size_t).** @note  If vloc is @ref BLE_GATTS_VLOC_STACK :*        - p_value must point to non-volatile memory (flash) or be NULL.*        - If p_value is NULL, the device name will initially be empty.** @note  If vloc is @ref BLE_GATTS_VLOC_USER :*        - p_value cannot be NULL.*        - If the device name is writable, p_value must point to volatile memory (RAM).** @retval ::NRF_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM  One or more of the following is true:*                                    - Invalid device name location (vloc).*                                    - Invalid device name security mode.* @retval ::NRF_ERROR_INVALID_LENGTH One or more of the following is true:*                                    - The device name length is invalid (must be between 0 and @ref BLE_GAP_DEVNAME_MAX_LEN).*                                    - The device name length is too long for the given Attribute Table.* @retval ::NRF_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED  Device name security mode is not supported.*/
typedef struct
{ble_gap_conn_sec_mode_t  write_perm;   /**< Write permissions. */uint8_t                  vloc:2;       /**< Value location, see @ref BLE_GATTS_VLOCS.*/uint8_t                 *p_value;      /**< Pointer to where the value (device name) is stored or will be stored. */uint16_t                 current_len;  /**< Current length in bytes of the memory pointed to by p_value.*/uint16_t                 max_len;      /**< Maximum length in bytes of the memory pointed to by p_value.*/
} ble_gap_cfg_device_name_t;



// BLE_GAP_CFG_DEVICE_NAME.memset(&ble_cfg, 0x00, sizeof(ble_cfg));ble_cfg.gap_cfg.device_name_cfg.max_len = 248;ble_cfg.gap_cfg.device_name_cfg.vloc = BLE_GATTS_VLOC_STACK;ret_code = sd_ble_cfg_set(BLE_GAP_CFG_DEVICE_NAME, &ble_cfg, *p_ram_start);if (ret_code != NRF_SUCCESS){NRF_LOG_ERROR("sd_ble_cfg_set() returned %s when attempting to set BLE_GAP_CFG_DEVICE_NAME.",nrf_strerror_get(ret_code));}



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