
Giving a computer to somebody else? Maybe you’re putting it out on Craigslist to sell to a stranger—either way, you’ll want to make sure that your drive is completely wiped, scrubbed, and clean of any personal data. Here’s the easy way to do it.

给别人电脑? 也许您是将其投放到Craigslist上以出售给陌生人,无论哪种方式,您都需要确保完全擦除,擦除和清除所有个人数据。 这是简单的方法。

If you only have access to an Ubuntu Live CD or thumb drive, you can actually use that instead if you prefer, and we’ve got you covered with a full guide to securely wiping your PC’s hard drive. Otherwise, keep reading.

如果您只能访问Ubuntu Live CD或拇指驱动器,则可以根据需要实际使用它,并且我们已为您提供了完整指南,以安全地擦除PC硬盘驱动器 。 否则,请继续阅读。

用DBAN擦拭驱动器 (Wipe the Drive with DBAN)

Darik’s Boot and Nuke CD is the easiest way to permanently and totally destroy every bit of personal information on that drive—nobody is going to recover a thing once this is done.

达里克的Boot and Nuke CD是永久,完全销毁该驱动器上所有个人信息的最简单方法,一旦完成,没人会找回东西。

The first thing you’ll need to do is download a copy of the ISO image, and then burn it to a blank CD with something really useful like Imgburn. Just choose Burn image to Disc at the start screen, select the little file icon, grab the downloaded ISO, and then go. If you need a little more help, we’ve got you covered with a beginner’s guide to burning an ISO image.

您需要做的第一件事是下载ISO映像的副本,然后使用诸如Imgburn之类的真正有用的东西将其刻录到空白CD中。 只需在开始屏幕上选择“将映像刻录到光盘”,选择小文件图标,获取下载的ISO,然后继续即可。 如果您需要更多帮助,我们为您提供了刻录ISO映像的初学者指南 。

Once you’re done, stick the disc into the drive, start the PC up, and then once you boot to the DBAN prompt you’ll see a menu. You can pretty much ignore everything on here, and just type…

完成后,将光盘插入驱动器,启动PC,然后在启动到DBAN提示符后,将看到一个菜单。 您几乎可以忽略此处的所有内容,只需输入…



And there you are, your disk is now being securely wiped.


Once it’s all done, you can remove the CD, and then either pack the PC up to sell, or re-install Windows on there if you feel like it.


More Advanced Method


If you’re really paranoid, want to run a different type of wipe, or just like fiddling with the options, you can choose F3 or hit Enter at the prompt to head to the advanced selection screen. Here you can choose exactly which drive to wipe, or hit the M key to change the method.

如果您真的很偏执,想运行其他类型的擦拭,或者就像对这些选项摆弄一样,则可以选择F3或在提示时按Enter键进入高级选择屏幕。 在这里,您可以精确选择要擦除的驱动器,或按M键以更改方法。

You’ll be able to choose between a bunch of different wipe options. The Quick Erase is all you really need though.

您将可以在许多不同的擦除选项之间进行选择。 快速擦除是您真正需要的。

So there you are, easy PC wiping in one package. What about you? Do you make sure to wipe your old PCs before giving them away? Personally I’ve always just yanked out the hard drives before I got rid of an old PC, but that’s just me.

这样一来,就可以轻松进行PC擦拭。 你呢? 您确定在将旧PC送走之前先擦拭干净吗? 就个人而言,在摆脱旧PC之前,我一直只是拉出硬盘驱动器,但这就是我自己。

Download DBAN from





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