
CAD:计算机辅助设计 (CAD: Computer Aided Design)

CAD is an abbreviation of Computer-Aided Design. CAD is technical software used by engineers, architects, artists, drafters to create designs and to make technical drawings in two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D). It is a merger of hardware and software that makes it easier for an engineer to design and create everything. It makes available for use the amenity to view a design or drawing for closure or a faraway look from any angle and to zoom in or out respectively. Furthermore, according to the designer changes happen by making the change in the design, all the coordinates and values which are depending on that also change.

CAD是Computer-Aided Design的缩写CAD是工程师,建筑师,艺术家,制图员使用的技术软件,用于创建设计和制作二维(2D)和三维(3D)技术图纸。 它是硬件和软件的合并,使工程师可以更轻松地设计和创建所有内容。 它使使用该便利设施可以从任何角度查看设计或工程图以进行封闭或遥远的外观,以及分别放大或缩小。 而且,根据设计者的改变,通过改变设计而发生改变,取决于该改变的所有坐标和值也改变。

In 1980, CAD systems were diversely built and established computers earlier till the mid-80s, but now CAD software is available to purchase and can be run on any personal computer system.

在1980年之前, CAD系统用于建造和建立计算机的方式多种多样,直到80年代中期,但是现在可以购买CAD软件,并且可以在任何个人计算机系统上运行。

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CAD工具 (CAD Tools)

Tools which are required for CAD software in computer systems are,


  • High quality graphics monitor


  • Digitizing tablet


  • Light pen


  • Mouse


  • Special printer or plotter


CAD的用法 (Usage of CAD)

  • The arrangement of the physical constituent of the production of large scale products is designed by using 2D and 3D tools in the software.


  • Space vehicles, aircraft, missiles, and satellites are designed by using CAD software.


  • CAD software is used for building purposes by architectures. In the case of floor plans, the 2D tool is used by them and in case of the schematics of houses 3d tool is used by them.

    CAD软件用于体系结构的构建目的。 在平面图的情况下,他们使用2D工具,在房屋示意图的情况下,他们使用3d工具。

  • Auto components are designed by using CAD software such as tires, engines, etc.


  • Climate, road, and topographic maps are designed by CAD software in cartography.


优点 (Advantages)

  • It will save user's lots of time and the user can make more effective, satisfactory and more efficient designs in less time period.


  • It will be much simpler and easier to make any changes because a user can fix the errors and improve the drawings easily.


  • The percentage of error that happened because of manual designing is remarkably diminished because of the use of the best tools in the software.


  • The amount of effort for the purpose of designing the diverse models has been diminished remarkably because most of the tasks are automated by the software.


缺点 (Disadvantages)

  • In CAD, work can be anytime lost because of the unexpected failure of computers.


  • The work in CAD is susceptible to viruses.


  • The work in CAD could be easily "hacked".


  • It takes time to learn, how to operate or run the CAD software.


  • It takes high production costs or purchasing costs for new systems.





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