
unit 4 Secondary Storage;1-new words: ;track;1-new words: ;DiskettesThe disk jacket has four openings:(1)hub (2)data access area(3)write/protect notch (4)index hole;2-please remember to the technical terms;2-please remember to the technical terms;Next:see the text;First : magnetic cassette;2.Secondary storage media ;2.Secondary storage media ;2.Secondary storage media ;2.Secondary storage media ;First : link the secondary storage to a computer;Data comes in all shapes and sizes, but often it can be organized in the same way. For example, consider a list of things to do, a list of ingredients in a recipe, or a reading list for a class. Although each contains a different type of data, they all contain data organized in a similar way: a list. A list is one simple example of a data structure. Of course, there are many other common ways to organize data as well. In computing, some of the most common organizations are linked lists, stacks, queues, sets, hash tables, trees, heaps, priority queues, and graphs. Three reasons for using data structures are efficiency, abstraction, and reusability.;Translate the following screen messages into Chinese: ;Translate the following screen messages into Chinese: ;1、数字小键盘2、 标点符号键3、数字键4、 方向键5、 功能键6、 字母键7、 光电鼠标8、机械鼠标9、光学机械鼠标10、液晶显示器CRT(阴极射线管)显示器;Translate the following words and expressions into English. ;Translate the following words and expressions into English. ;Translate the following words and expressions into English. ;Translate the following words and expressions into English. ;Translate the following words and expressions into English. ;Translate the following words and expressions into English. ;Translate the following words and expressions into English. ;Translate the following words and expressions into English. ;Translate the following paragraph into Chinese :;求职英语简介;一、个人简历个人简历(resume / curriculum vitae)是升学、求职过程中的重要文件。英文个人简历的格式比较固定,一般应包括个人信息、联系地址、求职愿望、学历、工作经历、证明人等部分,也可以根据具体情况,适当增加有关条目。内容的安排要求清晰


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