
Our Roadmap is now open to the public. We’d also like to share with you the Sustained Engineering Team plans for the weekly patch and monthly public releases. Here it is:

我们的 路线图 现已向公众开放。 我们还希望与您分享Sustained Engineering Team的每周补丁程序和每月公开发布计划。 这里是:

5.1修补程序版本 (5.1 patch releases)

Unity 5.1.4 will be the last public release for Unity 5.1. It will contain all previous patches, 5.1.3p1, 5.1.3p2 and 5.1.3p3. With the release of 5.2.0 on 8th September 2015, the active patch cycle has switched to the 5.2 version. The next patch release will be 5.2.0p1. It is important to note that 5.2.0 includes fixes only up to 5.1.2 while the new patch 5.2.0p1 will include all changes added up to 5.1.3p3. In other words, 5.2.1 public release will include all previous releases up to 5.1.4. Since 5.2.0p1 contains a lot of bug fixes that were not included in 5.2.0, we will ship the 5.2.1 public release soon after the release of 5.2.0p1.

Unity 5.1.4将是Unity 5.1的最后一个公共发行版。 它将包含所有以前的补丁5.1.3p1、5.1.3p2和5.1.3p3。 随着 2015年9月 8 日 发布的5.2.0版本 ,有效的补丁程序周期已切换到5.2版本。 下一个修补程序版本将是5.2.0p1。 重要的是要注意,5.2.0仅包括对5.1.2的修复,而新补丁5.2.0p1将包括对5.1.3p3的所有更改。 换句话说,5.2.1公共发行版将包括5.1.4之前的所有先前发行版。 由于5.2.0p1包含许多5.2.0中未包含的错误修复程序,因此我们将在5.2.0p1发布之后不久发布5.2.1公共版本。

5.2+补丁版本 (5.2+ patch releases)

The planned public release of 5.2.1 will in principle contain all bug fixes from 5.2.0p1 and may also contain a few additional fixes if and only if necessary. 5.2.x patches will be shipped every week until 5.3.0 goes live. We’ll do our best to ship these patches on Wednesdays. In addition, there will be a public release every month, i.e after approximately every four weekly patch releases. The same cycle will be followed for 5.3 patches when 5.3.0 goes live at its planned future date.

计划的5.2.1公开发行版原则上将包含5.2.0p1中的所有错误修复,并且仅在必要时还可能包含一些其他修复。 5.2.x补丁程序每周都会发布,直到5.3.0上线。 我们会尽力在周三发布这些补丁。 此外,每个月都会公开发布一次,即大约每四个星期发布一次补丁发布。 当5.3.0在其计划的未来日期上线时,将针对5.3补丁遵循相同的周期。

4.6补丁版本 (4.6 patch releases)

Finally, we will stop shipping Unity 4.6 patches or public releases after the end of December 2015. It is important to focus our energy on improving Unity and hence all efforts will go into Unity 5. You may have noticed that the frequency of 4.6 patch releases has gone down to every two weeks. There will be a 4.6.x patch release every other Friday and a we’ll ship a public release every two months until the end of December 2015.

最后, 我们将在201512月结束后停止发布Unity 4.6补丁程序或公共发行版。 将精力集中在改进Unity上非常重要,因此所有工作都将投入Unity5。您可能已经注意到4.6补丁程序发行的频率已经下降到每两周一次。 每隔一个星期五将有一个4.6.x补丁发布,并且我们将每两个月发布一次公开发布,直到2015年12月底。

持续的工程团队 (Sustained Engineering Team)

We are also adding more developers to Sustained Engineering team with the focus of fixing more bugs as well as improving the overall quality of Unity. Our primary focus is to fix bugs in a quick turnaround time. We also monitor the forums and react to feedback when new releases (public or patch) go live. We have several more initiatives in the works. We’ll publish more blogs about these initiatives in due course.

我们还将为Sustained Engineering团队增加更多开发人员,重点是修复更多错误并提高Unity的整体质量。 我们的主要重点是快速解决错误。 我们还会监视论坛并在新版本(公共或补丁)上线时对反馈做出React。 我们还有其他一些举措在进行中。 我们将在适当时候发布更多有关这些计划的博客。

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2015/09/16/unity-patch-release-plan/



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