
Windows can’t normally read Mac-formatted drives, and will offer to erase them instead. But third-party tools fill the gap and provide access to drives formatted with Apple’s HFS+ file system on Windows. This also allows you to restore Time Machine backups on Windows.

Windows通常无法读取Mac格式的驱动器,而是会提供擦除它们的功能。 但是第三方工具填补了空白,并提供了对使用Windows上的Apple HFS +文件系统格式化的驱动器的访问。 这也使您可以在Windows上还原Time Machine备份 。

If you know you’re going to use a drive on both Mac and Windows, you should use the exFAT file system, which is compatible with both. But if you didn’t foresee that, you may have formatted your drive with Apple’s HFS Plus, which Windows can’t read by default. In fact, some manufacturers sell “Mac” drives pre-formatted with this Mac-only file system.

如果知道要在Mac和Windows上都使用驱动器,则应使用与两者兼容的exFAT文件系统。 但是,如果您没有预料到,则可能是使用Apple的HFS Plus格式化了驱动器,而Windows默认情况下无法读取该文件。 实际上,一些制造商出售使用此仅限Mac的文件系统预格式化的“ Mac”驱动器。

不要格式化驱动器! (然而) (Don’t Format the Drive! (Yet))

When you connect a Mac-formatted drive to Windows, you’ll be informed that “you need to format the disk in drive X: before you can use it.” Don’t click the “Format disk” button or Windows will erase the contents of the drive–click “Cancel”!

当您将Mac格式的驱动器连接到Windows时,系统将通知您“您需要先在驱动器X中格式化磁盘,然后才能使用它。” 不要单击“格式化磁盘”按钮,否则Windows将擦除驱动器的内容–单击“取消”!

This message appears because Windows doesn’t understand Apple’s HFS+ file system. That’s fine, because other applications do. Just don’t format the drive until you get the important files off the drive.

出现此消息的原因是Windows无法理解Apple的HFS +文件系统。 很好,因为其他应用程序也可以。 只是在从驱动器中取出重要文件之前,不要格式化驱动器。

Of course, if the drive doesn’t have any important files on it, you can go ahead and format it. But be absolutely sure there’s nothing you need before you do.

当然,如果驱动器上没有重要文件,则可以继续进行格式化。 但是绝对要确保您在开始之前不需要任何东西。

选项一:HFSExplorer是免费且基本的 (Option One: HFSExplorer Is Free and Basic)

If you only need to get a couple files off the drive, we recommend HFSExplorer. It’s the only completely free way to access a Mac-formatted drive. It does require Java, however, so you’ll have to install that first. Then, install HFSExplorer like you would any other Windows program.

如果您只需要从驱动器中取出几个文件,则建议使用HFSExplorer 。 这是访问Mac格式驱动器的唯一完全免费的方法。 但是,它确实需要Java ,因此您必须先安装 Java 。 然后,像安装其他Windows程序一样安装HFSExplorer。

HFSExplorer isn’t fancy, though, and doesn’t have a lot of features. You can’t use it to write to Mac-formatted drives, and it doesn’t install a file system driver that integrates into File Explorer. But you can open HFSExplorer, read a Mac-formatted drive, and copy the files to your Windows PC without paying a dime. It can also mount Mac .dmg disk images to get at the files inside them.

HFSExplorer并不是很漂亮,并且没有很多功能。 您不能使用它来写入Mac格式的驱动器,也不会安装集成到File Explorer中的文件系统驱动程序。 但是您可以打开HFSExplorer,读取Mac格式的驱动器,然后将文件复制到Windows PC,而无需支付任何费用。 它还可以挂载Mac .dmg磁盘映像以获取其中的文件。

This application’s read-only nature isn’t necessarily a bad thing. It ensures that no bug in the third-party driver can damage your Mac-formatted drive and the files on it. You can set read-only mode in other applications, too–but, if you’re not going to use their write support, there’s less reason to pay for them.

该应用程序的只读性质不一定是一件坏事。 它确保第三方驱动程序中的任何错误都不会损坏Mac格式化的驱动器及其上的文件。 您也可以在其他应用程序中设置只读模式-但是,如果您不打算使用它们的写支持,则没有理由为它们付费。

To use HFSExplorer, connect your Mac-formatted drive to your Windows PC and launch HFSExplorer. Click the “File” menu and select “Load File System From Device.” It will automatically locate the connected drive, and you can load it. You’ll see the contents of the HFS+ drive in the graphical window. Just select the files or folders you want, click “Extract,” and choose a folder. They’ll be copied to the location you choose on your PC.

要使用HFSExplorer,请将Mac格式的驱动器连接到Windows PC并启动HFSExplorer。 单击“文件”菜单,然后选择“从设备加载文件系统”。 它将自动找到连接的驱动器,然后可以加载它。 您将在图形窗口中看到HFS +驱动器的内容。 只需选择所需的文件或文件夹,单击“提取”,然后选择一个文件夹。 它们将被复制到您在PC上选择的位置。

选择二:Paragon HFS +价格为20美元,但具有写访问权限和更好的集成性 (Option Two: Paragon HFS+ is $20, But Offers Write Access and Better Integration)

Paragon’s HFS+ for Windows is a bit fancier, but it’ll cost you. This tool installs a file system driver that allows you to access a Mac-formatted drive like any other drive in File Explorer, or any other Windows application with an open or save dialog. It boasts improved speed, and we wouldn’t be surprised if it were faster than HFSExplorer. And, unlike HFSExplorer, it offers full read/write access to Mac-formatted drives, so you can write to them from within Windows. Just install it, and Mac drives will show up like any other drive.

用于Windows的 Paragon的HFS +有点贵,但要花钱。 该工具将安装文件系统驱动程序,该驱动程序使您可以通过打开或保存对话框访问Mac格式的驱动器,如文件资源管理器中的任何其他驱动器,或任何其他Windows应用程序。 它具有提高的速度,如果它比HFSExplorer更快,我们也不会感到惊讶。 而且,与HFSExplorer不同,它提供了对Mac格式驱动器的完全读/写访问权限,因此您可以从Windows内对其进行写入。 只需安装它,Mac驱动器就会像其他任何驱动器一样显示。

If you need to work with Mac-formatted drives on a regular basis and you want the operating system integration, speed, and write access, Paragon HFS+ is a great choice and will be worth it for you. But, if you just need to get some files off a Mac-formatted drive occasionally, this is overkill and you can save $20 by sticking with HFSExplorer.

如果您需要定期使用Mac格式的驱动器,并且想要操作系统集成,速度和写入访问权限,那么Paragon HFS +是一个不错的选择,对您来说是值得的。 但是,如果您只是偶尔需要从Mac格式化的驱动器中获取一些文件,则这是过头了,并且坚持使用HFSExplorer可以节省20美元。

Paragon does offer a 10-day free trial of HFS+ for Windows, so you can give it a try and see if it works for you. And, if you just need to get files off of a Mac-formatted drive once, you can just use the trial and be done with the application by the time it expires.

Paragon确实提供了适用于Windows的HFS + 10天免费试用,因此您可以尝试一下,看看它是否适合您。 而且,如果您只需要一次从Mac格式化的驱动器中获取文件,则可以使用该试用版,并在该应用程序到期时对其进行处理。

选择三:Mediafour MacDrive的价格在50到70美元之间,但包含更多功能 (Option Three: Mediafour MacDrive Costs $50 to $70, But Includes More Features)

Mediafour’s MacDrive is similar to Paragon’s HFS+ for Windows, but with more features and polish. It’s noticeably more expensive than Paragon HFS+ too, at $50 for the Standard version and $70 for the Pro version.

Mediafour的MacDrive与Windows的Paragon的HFS +类似,但具有更多功能和完善之处。 它也明显比Paragon HFS +贵,标准版为50美元,专业版为70美元。

For most people, this software won’t really be worth it. But it offers a few unique features, like support for Mac-formatted RAID disks. It also offers a graphical interface with support for verifying, repairing, and formatting Mac-formatted drives. Paragon’s HFS+ gets out of your way and doesn’t provide a graphical interface–it just enables access to HFS+ drives in File Explorer and other applications.

对于大多数人来说,该软件真的不值得。 但是它提供了一些独特的功能,例如支持Mac格式的RAID磁盘。 它还提供了图形界面,支持验证,修复和格式化Mac格式化的驱动器。 Paragon的HFS +完全不会妨碍您,并且不提供图形界面-它仅允许在File Explorer和其他应用程序中访问HFS +驱动器。

If you need all these tools, go for it–this is the most full-featured solution for working with Mac-formatted drives on Windows. But you probably don’t need all these tools.

如果需要所有这些工具,那就继续吧–这是在Windows上使用Mac格式驱动器的最全功能的解决方案。 但是您可能不需要所有这些工具。

Mediafour does offer a 5-day free trial of MacDrive–both the Standard and Pro versions–so you can give it a try and see if those features are worth it for you.


选项四:将驱动器格式化为exFAT,但是警告,这会删除您的数据! (Option Four: Format the Drive as exFAT–But Warning, This Will Erase Your Data!)

Once you’ve gotten all the data off the Mac-formatted drive, you’ll probably want to format it with the exFAT file system. Both Windows and Mac OS X have full read-write support for exFAT drives without any additional third-party software. FAT32 has some serious limitations–individual files can only be up to 4GB in size each, for example–but exFAT doesn’t.

从Mac格式化的驱动器中获取所有数据后,您可能需要使用exFAT文件系统对其进行格式化 。 Windows和Mac OS X都对exFAT驱动器具有完全的读写支持,而无需任何其他第三方软件。 FAT32有一些严重的限制-例如,每个文件的最大大小只能达到4GB-但exFAT却没有。

Rather than use a Mac-formatted drive, you should get the important files off of it and use exFAT-formatted drives for moving data between Macs and PCs.


To format the drive in Windows, right-click it in the File Explorer window and select “Format.” Choose the “exFAT” file system in the list and click “Start.” Remember, this will erase all the files on the drive! Be absolutely sure you have your files off the drive and that you’ve selected the correct drive you want to format!

要在Windows中格式化驱动器,请在“文件资源管理器”窗口中右键单击该驱动器,然后选择“格式化”。 在列表中选择“ exFAT”文件系统,然后单击“开始”。 请记住,这将擦除驱动器上的所有文件! 绝对要确保驱动器中没有文件,并且已选择了要格式化的正确驱动器!

When you’re done, the drive should work on both Windows PCs and Macs with no problem.

完成后,该驱动器应该可以在Windows PC和Mac上正常工作。

By the way, this works great for Windows users too–Macs can’t natively write to the Windows NTFS file system, although they can read files from NTFS drives. So no matter what your primary platform, exFAT is probably the way to go.

顺便说一句,这也适用于Windows用户-Macs不能本地写入Windows NTFS文件系统 ,尽管他们可以从NTFS驱动器读取文件。 因此,无论您使用的是什么主要平台,exFAT都是可行的方法。



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