We have an integer sequence of length NN: x=(x_0,x_1,\cdots,x_{N-1})x=(x0​,x1​,⋯,xN−1​) (note that its index is 00-based). Initially, all elements of xx are 00.

You can repeat the following operation any number of times.

  • Choose integers i,ki,k (0 \leq i \leq N-10≤i≤N−1, 1 \leq k \leq N1≤k≤N). Then, for every jj such that i \leq j \leq i+k-1i≤j≤i+k−1, increase the value of x_{j\bmod N}xjmodN​ by 11.

You are given an integer sequence of length NN: A=(A_0,A_1,\cdots,A_{N-1})A=(A0​,A1​,⋯,AN−1​). Find the minimum number of operations needed to make xx equal AA.


  • 1 \leq N \leq 2000001≤N≤200000
  • 1 \leq A_i \leq 10^91≤Ai​≤109
  • All values in input are integers.


Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:

A_0A0​ A_1A1​ \cdots⋯ A_{N-1}AN−1​


Print the answer.

Sample 1

Inputcopy Outputcopy
1 2 1 2

We should do the following.

  • Initially, we have x=(0,0,0,0)x=(0,0,0,0).
  • Do the operation with i=1,k=3i=1,k=3, making x=(0,1,1,1)x=(0,1,1,1).
  • Do the operation with i=3,k=3i=3,k=3, making x=(1,2,1,2)x=(1,2,1,2).

Sample 2

Inputcopy Outputcopy
3 1 4 1 5

Sample 3

Inputcopy Outputcopy



using namespace std;long long a[200000];int main(){long long n,ans=0;scanf("%lld",&n);for(long long i=0;i<n;i++){scanf("%lld",&a[i]);}long long max1=a[0];for(long long  i=1;i<n;i++){long long t=a[i]-a[i-1];if(t>0){ans+=t;}if(a[i]>max1){max1=a[i];}}long long q=a[0]-a[n-1];if(q>0){ans+=q;}ans=max(max1,ans);printf("%lld",ans);return 0;

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