

/** * UNSET_MARK means the mark has not been set. */

static final int UNSET_MARK = -1;

/** * The capacity of this buffer, which never changes. */

final int capacity;

/** * limit - 1 is the last element that can be read or written. * Limit must be no less than zero and no greater than capacity. */

int limit;

/** * Mark is where position will be set when reset() is called. * Mark is not set by default. Mark is always no less than zero and no * greater than position. */

int mark = UNSET_MARK;

/** * The current position of this buffer. Position is always no less than zero * and no greater than limit. */

int position = 0;

/** * The log base 2 of the element size of this buffer. Each typed subclass * (ByteBuffer, CharBuffer, etc.) is responsible for initializing this * value. The value is used by JNI code in frameworks/base/ to avoid the * need for costly 'instanceof' tests. */

final int _elementSizeShift;

/** * For direct buffers, the effective address of the data; zero otherwise. * This is set in the constructor. */

final long effectiveDirectAddress;


/** * UNSET_MARK means the mark has not been set. */

static final int UNSET_MARK = -1;

/** * Clears this buffer. *

* While the content of this buffer is not changed, the following internal * changes take place: the current position is reset back to the start of * the buffer, the value of the buffer limit is made equal to the capacity * and mark is cleared. * *@return this buffer. */

public final Buffer clear() {

position = 0; //设置当前下标为0

mark = UNSET_MARK; //取消标记

limit = capacity; //设置写越界位置与和Buffer容量相同

return this;



/** * Resets the position of this buffer to the mark. * *@return this buffer. *@throws InvalidMarkException * if the mark is not set. */

public final Buffer reset() {

if (mark == UNSET_MARK) {

throw new InvalidMarkException("Mark not set");


position = mark;

return this;



/** * Rewinds this buffer. *

* The position is set to zero, and the mark is cleared. The content of this * buffer is not changed. * *@return this buffer. */

public final Buffer rewind() {

position = 0;

mark = UNSET_MARK;

return this;



/** * Flips this buffer. *

* The limit is set to the current position, then the position is set to * zero, and the mark is cleared. *

* The content of this buffer is not changed. * *@return this buffer. */

public final Buffer flip() {

limit = position;

position = 0;

mark = UNSET_MARK;

return this;



/** * Returns the number of remaining elements in this buffer, that is * {@code limit - position}. * *@return the number of remaining elements in this buffer. */

public final int remaining() {

return limit - position;




* Compacts this byte buffer.


* The remaining bytes will be moved to the head of the

* buffer, starting from position zero. Then the position is set to

* {@code remaining()}; the limit is set to capacity; the mark is

* cleared.


* @return {@code this}

* @throws ReadOnlyBufferException

* if no changes may be made to the contents of this buffer.


public abstract ByteBuffer compact();

java rewind()_Java NIO Buffer的clear()、reset()、rewind()、flip()方法的区别相关推荐

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