
Smartphones are essential to our daily lives. They help us stay connected and keep us organized. But when it comes to calendar syncing and Gmail there are limitations. Here’s how you can sync your shared calendars and contacts from Gmail.

智能手机对我们的日常生活至关重要。 他们帮助我们保持联系并保持组织有序。 但是,在日历同步和Gmail方面存在一些限制。 您可以通过以下方式从Gmail同步共享的日历和联系人。

If you use Gmail you probably know about the ability to create and share calendars with others. They help keep groups organized and even let you subscribe to public events. When it comes to getting that information on your smartphone there are some trade offs if you are on a non-Android phone.

如果您使用Gmail,则可能了解与他人创建和共享日历的功能。 它们有助于使团体井井有条,甚至可以让您订阅公共活动。 关于在智能手机上获取该信息,如果您使用的是非Android手机,则需要权衡取舍。

Android phones will sync your email, contacts, and all of your calendars by just singing into your Gmail account. If you have an iPhone however, you will miss out on contact syncing if you set up your account as a Gmail account.

Android手机仅通过唱歌您的Gmail帐户即可同步您的电子邮件,联系人和所有日历。 但是,如果您使用的是iPhone,那么将您的帐户设置为Gmail帐户时,将会错过联系人同步功能。

There is another option. You can set up your Gmail account as an Exchange account and be able to sync your email, contacts, and calendar, but by default it will only sync your primary calendar.

还有另一种选择。 您可以将Gmail帐户设置为Exchange帐户,并能够同步您的电子邮件,联系人和日历,但是默认情况下,它只会同步您的主日历。

To add additional calendars you need to open your Safari browser on your iPhone and go to http://m.google.com/sync


Sign in with your Google account and then select which phone you want to change your sync settings on.


Select which calendars you would like sync with your phone.


Open your calendar app and open calendars in the top left corner. You should now see multiple calendars listed under your account instead of just the primary one you had before.

打开日历应用,然后在左上角打开日历。 现在,您应该会在帐户下看到多个日历,而不仅仅是以前的日历。

If you don’t, hit the refresh button in the bottom left corner or just give it 5-10 minutes to pull in your new calendars. If the calendars still do not show up, go to your settings app and remove your Gmail account and then add it again.

如果您不这样做,请点击左下角的刷新按钮,或者只需要5-10分钟的时间即可提取新日历。 如果日历仍然没有显示,请转到设置应用并删除您的Gmail帐户,然后再次添加。

Once you see your shared calendars, check the ones you want to view by default in the calendar app and you are all set.


If you have problems with the m.google.com/sync web page not forwarding properly from your mobile browser you can also go to https://www.google.com/calendar/iphoneselect from your computer’s browser to turn on and off calenders for your iPhone. This will bypass the device selection but may work for non-iOS devices connected to Gmail via Exchange.

如果m.google.com/sync网页无法从移动浏览器正确转发时遇到问题,还可以从计算机的浏览器访问https://www.google.com/calendar/iphoneselect来打开和关闭日历。为您的iPhone。 这将绕过设备选择,但可能适用于通过Exchange连接到Gmail的非iOS设备。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/97566/how-to-sync-your-shared-google-calendars-with-your-iphone/



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