1.A leftist heap with the null path length of the root being r must have at least 2 r + 1 − 1 2^{r+1}-1 2r+1−1 nodes

用递归:假如r成立,则对r+1,右路径r个点,则右子树有 2 r + 1 − 1 2^{r+1}-1 2r+1−1个点。

而左子树Npl至少也为r,则左子树的右路径至少r,则左子树至少 2 r + 1 − 1 2^{r+1}-1 2r+1−1, 2 ( 2 r + 1 − 1 ) + 1 = 2 r + 2 − 1 2(2^{r+1}-1)+1=2^{r+2}-1 2(2r+1−1)+1=2r+2−1


2.Merge the two leftist heaps in the following figure. Which one of the following statements is FALSE?

A.the null path length of 6 is the same as that of 2

B.1 is the root with 3 being its right child

C.Along the left most path from top down, we have 1, 2, 4, and 5

D.6 is the left child of 2





3 Delete the minimum number from the given leftist heap. Which one of the following statements is TRUE?

A.9 is NOT the root

B.24 is the left child of 18

C.18 is the right child of 11

D.13 is the left child of 12


4.With the same operations, the resulting skew heap is always more balanced than the leftist heap.



5.The right path of a skew heap can be arbitrarily long.




6.Which one of the following statements is FALSE about a skew heap?

A.Skew heaps do not need to maintain the null path length of any node

B.Comparing to leftist heaps, skew heaps are always more efficient in space

C.Skew heaps have O(logN) worst-case cost for merging

D.Skew heaps have O(logN) amortized cost per operation




7.The amortized time bound of insertions for a skew heap of size N is O(logN).



8.The result of inserting keys 1 to 2^​k−1 for any k>4 in order into an initially empty skew heap is always a full binary tree.


9.Merge the two leftist heaps in the following figure. Which one of the following statements is FALSE?

A.2 is the root with 11 being its right child

B.the depths of 9 and 12 are the same

C.21 is the deepest node with 11 being its parent

D.the null path length of 4 is less than that of 2



10.We can perform BuildHeap for leftist heaps by considering each element as a one-node leftist heap, placing all these heaps on a queue, and performing the following step: Until only one heap is on the queue, dequeue two heaps, merge them, and enqueue the result. Which one of the following statements is FALSE?

A.in the k-th run, ⌈N/2​^ k⌉ leftist heaps are formed, each contains 2^​k
​​ nodes

B.the worst case is when N=2^​K for some integer K

C.the time complexity T(N)=O(​N/2​​log2^​0+N/2^2​​log2^​1​​ +​N/2^​3log2^​2​​+⋯+​N/2^Klog2^(K−1)) for some integer K so that N=2^​K
D.the worst case time complexity of this algorithm is Θ(NlogN)



11.Insert keys 1 to 15 in order into an initially empty skew heap. Which one of the following statements is FALSE?

A.the resulting tree is a complete binary tree

B.there are 6 leaf nodes

C.6 is the left child of 2

D.11 is the right child of 7


12.Merge the two skew heaps in the following figure. Which one of the following statements is FALSE?

A.15 is the right child of 8

B.14 is the right child of 6

C.1 is the root

D.9 is the right child of 3

A 应该是left child。插入结果如图, 1还得交换孩子,这个图有问题:

B14应该是left child, 原因是当插入到了一个NULL之后就返回了,不会交换孩子

13. If we merge two heaps represented by complete binary trees, the time complexity is Θ(N) provided that the size of each heap is N

Merge就是建新堆,复杂度是O(N) T

14.A skew heap is a heap data structure implemented as a binary tree. Skew heaps are advantageous because of their ability to merge more quickly than balanced binary heaps. The worst case time complexities for Merge, Insert, and DeleteMin are all O(N), while the amorited time complexities for Merge, Insert, and DeleteMin are all O(logN).


15.The NPL of each node in a heap is supposed to be calculated from top down.


16.Which one of the following may be a leftist heap?


17.Merge the two given skew heaps. Which one of the following statements is FALSE?

A.3 is the root

B.17 is the right child of 16

C.39 is the right child of 25

D.25 is the left child of 14



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