
A repository of global listeners notified about every step of Prototype-based Ajax requests
为了实现这一目标, prototype提供Ajax.Responders,它可以让你注册(并且,如果您愿意,后来注销)的反应,这是具有特别的命名方法的对象。这些名字来自一组对应于不同时间点(或成果)的一个Ajax请求的生命周期一般回调。
例如,原型自动注册,保持一个漂亮的变量:Ajax.activeRequestCount一个响应。这意味着,在特定的时间,目前活跃的Ajax请求的数量 - 通过监测他们的onCreate的onComplete事件。此代码是相当简单:
Ajax.Responders.register({   onCreate: function() {     Ajax.activeRequestCount++;   },   onComplete: function() {     Ajax.activeRequestCount--;   } });

Responder callbacks

The callbacks for responders are similar to the callbacks described in the Ajax, but take a different signature. They're invoked with three parameters: the requester object (i.e., the corresponding "instance" of Ajax.Request), the XMLHttpRequest object, and the result of evaluating the X-JSON response header, if any (can be null). They also execute in the context of the responder, bound to the this reference.

  • onCreate: Triggered whenever a requester object from the Ajax namespace is created, after its parameters are adjusted and before its XHR connection is opened. This takes two arguments: the requester object and the underlying XHR object.
  • onUninitialized (Not guaranteed): Invoked just after the XHR object is created.
  • onLoading (Not guaranteed): Triggered when the underlying XHR object is being setup, and its connection opened.
  • onLoaded (Not guaranteed): Triggered once the underlying XHR object is setup, the connection is open, and it is ready to send its actual request.
  • onInteractive (Not guaranteed): Triggered whenever the requester receives a part of the response (but not the final part), should it be sent in several packets.
  • onException: Triggered whenever an XHR error arises. Has a custom signature: the first argument is the requester (i.e. an Ajax.Request instance), and the second is the exception object.
  • onComplete: Triggered at the very end of a request's life-cycle, after the request completes, status-specific callbacks are called, and possible automatic behaviors are processed. Guaranteed to run regardless of what happened during the request.



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