摘 要





Convolutional neural network is a major breakthrough in the field of artificial intelligence in recent years, an important means of image recognition given to optimize speech recognition and natural language processing solutions, especially for process images tasks, such as human face recognition and handwriting recognition. Handwritten numeral recognition is a classic problem with the convolutional neural network to solve, using the general method of trained neural network reaches 97% recognition rate, with almost the same human recognition accuracy, but the speed of execution without human recognition quickly. In practical commercial applications will inevitably encounter the problem of data overload, as there are 60,000 training sample size is 28 * 28 pixel units need to be trained in digital handwriting recognition, this will result in slower performance, CPU in when processing tasks such contains a lot of high-precision floating-point number, the elapsed time is unacceptable, in the training period to spend a few hours.

To solve these problems, this paper will build a CUDA architecture-based programming environment using CUDA / C ++ programming to implement the convolution neural network algorithm. The convolution neural network algorithm is applied to handwritten numeral recognition problem. After selecting an appropriate network model and related parameters, the use of highly concurrent GPU performance,convolution neural network training to improve the speed of data. Then use the model to achieve the GPU and CPU to complete some comparative tests to verify the fact that using the CUDA to parallel implementing convolution neural network algorithm for training and recognition is feasible and effective,experiments show that on the common PC the neural network algorithm convolution convolution neural network algorithm to achieve GPU than CPU implementations on the speed by 15%, on the accuracy improved 0.29%.

Key words:CUDA, CNN, Deep Learning, Parallel Computing



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