


好的,这里是第一个类,叫做menu,另一个类,它与名为game parties的菜单相连接


import java.util.*;

public class Gamefunctions // this is a core when player choosess one of these options from the menu


String[] player =new String[2];

double scorea = 0; // verribles of all the objects

double scoreb = 0;

int i;

Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);

double answer = 0;

double numA, numB;

char operator;

char operator2;

boolean quit = false;

double sum1;

double sum2;

public void enterDetails(){ // if player select enter details

for ( i=0;i<2;i++) {// tell's player to input he/she's name and stores them

int c=i;

System.out.println("Welcome to the maths quiz game please input player name "+c++);

player[i] = input.next();



public void mathGame(){ // if player select enter details

System.out.println("Please enter your equation please "+player[0]+" press enter for each number and mathematical symbol"); // tells the player 1 to input


System.out.println("such as for ex input a number or how many you like, then hit enter and input such as /*-+^ hit enter, then input any number one or how many you like ");

String s=input.next();

numA = Double.parseDouble(s); // numa and numb and operator is the aera of player to input he/she equation

operator = input.next().charAt(0);

numB = input.nextDouble();

if () {

if (operator == '+') {// this is if operator is one of these like +-*/^ and then it works out the sum

answer = numA + numB;


if (operator == '-') {

answer = numA - numB;


if (operator == '*') {

answer = numA * numB;


if (operator == '/') {

answer = numA / numB;


if (operator == '^') {

answer = Math.pow(numA, numB);


} else {

System.out.println("error input like for an example '10' enter '+' enter '10'");



System.out.println(player[1]+"\t solve the equation"); // tells other player to slove the equation

sum2 = input.nextDouble();

if (sum2 == answer){// checks if the answer from the player is good or not if its good he/she gets 10 points if he/she gets it wrong gets no points and shows the right answer so the player learns from his/she mistakes

scoreb = scoreb + 10.00;

System.out.println("correct you got 10 points to your score");


} else{

System.out.println("incorrect you got no points the correct answer was:"+"" + answer);



public void mathGame(){ // if player select enter details

System.out.println("Please enter your equation please "+player[0]+" press enter for each number and mathematical symbol"); // tells the player 1 to input


System.out.println("such as for ex input a number or how many you like, then hit enter and input such as /*-+^ hit enter, then input any number one or how many you like ");

String s=input.next();

numA = Double.parseDouble(s); // numa and numb and operator is the aera of player to input he/she equation

operator = input.next().charAt(0);

numB = input.nextDouble();





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