















 分为public blockchain和non-public blockchain。
 public blockchain允许所有用户节点的加入。
 non-public blockchain只允许有许可的用户节点加入。





Trusted Execution Environment(TEE):




1.High requirement for code security
 Three major themes on why there was an increased focus on security in smart contract deployment:

1.Sensitive Nature of Information Handled
2.Irreversible Transactions
3.Code unmodifiable after deployment

2.Hard to guarantee security
 Four major aspects of these difficulties:

1.Public code access
2.Flaws in compiler
3.Lack of best practices for writing safe code
4.Lack of tools/techniques to verify code correctness

3.Current best practices for security

Testing and code review are their major ways to ensure the correctness of smart contracts.


1.Debugging is painful
 Two main categories of dubugging challenges came up:

1.Lack of powerful interactive debuggers
2.Non-informative error messages

2.Current debugging practices

1.【65.1% respondents said that they use existing debugging tools.】
2.【56.5% respondents mentioned that they would often write additional methods/events to check variables and transaction states.】
3.【17.2% respondents of our survey mentioned that they would often request the help of GitHub community or other developers through some forums, e.g., Stack Overflow, when they encounter bugs.】

三、Programming language

1.Limitations of Solidity The major limitations of Solidity include:

1.Lack of general purpose libraries.
2.Lack of support for error logging/reporting.
3.Lack of standards/rules.
4.Lack of safety checks for data types.
5.Inconvenient way to call external functions.
6. Lack of support for memory management.
7.Constrained number of local variables.

2.Most desired Solidity improvements

四、Ethereum virtual machine

1.Limitations of EVM
 Four main limitations of EVM:

1.Limited support for debugging.
2.Lack of support of traditional languages.
3.Inefficiency of bytecode execution.
4.Limited stack size.

2.Most desired improvements for EVM
 Better support for debugging is desired the most.


1.Special attention to gas consumption
 Two reasons for why gas consumption is specially important are as follows:

1.Gas is money.
2.Transaction failure due to insufficient amount of gas.

2.Difficulty in handling gas problems
Two aspects that contribute to difficulties in performing gas optimization are as follow:

1.No gas estimation tool at source code level.
2.Tradeoff between gas optimization and code readability.

六、Online learning resources &community support

1.Online learning resources
 Three kinds of online learning resources that are missing:

1.Lack of reference code.
2.Lack of standardized knowledge.
3.Lack of up-to-date documentations.

2.Community support

Since the technique is new, the community is still in development. Sometimes you cannot get timely help from the community when you get stuck.

Survey Results:

 Based on the testing results, we can say with some certainty that:

Summary of Results:

 Through the analysis of interview and survey data, we could find that:


1.Security and Reliability of Smart Contracts
2.Other Factors Affecting Smart Contract Development
  Here, we highlight five different aspects of smart contract development that pose open research problems requiring advances in the field:

1.Programming Language and Virtual Machine Design
2.Better Resource Management
3.Library Construction
4.Evolution, Maintenance, and Deployment of Smart Contracts
5.Supporting End-Users


1.Internal Validity

It is possible that we may draw wrong conclusions from interviewees comments. It is also possible that survey respondents may have provided dishonest answers.

2.External Validity

We stopped our interviews when we reached the saturation of findings after interviewing 20 persons. Considering there may exist other populations who might add new insights, we also need to acknowledge that the opinions provided by our interviewees may not be representative of and agreeable to the whole community. To reduce this threat, we ensured that our interviewees hold various roles and have different levels of expertise, e.g., developers, trainers, CEOs in companies developing smart contract applications,etc


1.Empirical Studies on Smart Contract
2.Tools for Smart Contract:
3.Studies on Challenges and Opportunities:



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