文章把一个跟踪器分为几个模块,分别为motion model, feature extractor, observation model, model updater, and ensemble post-processor

例如将HOG作为特征,将SVM或者岭回归方法作为observation model,大多数论文关注的都是motion model,但是这个对最终的性能的影响不如特征的影响大,并且ensemble post-processor的影响也比较大,具体解释如下:

Motion Model:

Based on the estimation from the previous frame, the motion model generates a set of candidate regions or bounding boxes which may contain the target in the current frame

Feature Extractor:

The feature extractor represents each candidate in the candidate set using some features

Observation Model: 

The observation model judges whether a candidate is the target based on the features extracted from the candidate.

Model Updater:

The model updater controls the strategy and frequency of updating the observation model. It has to strike a balance between model adaptation and drift.

Ensemble Post-processor:

When a tracking system consists of multiple trackers, the ensemble post-processor takes the outputs of the constituent trackers and uses the ensemble learning approach to combine them into the final result.



Feature Extractor

Observation Model
对logistic regression、ridge regression、SVM、structured output SVM(SO-SVM)进行对比,发现,当特征的选取不太好的时候(灰度图像像素值),SO-SVM的效果是最好的,但是当特征的选取比较好的时候(HOG+颜色特征),最后结果相差无几

Motion Model

作者对Particle Filter(粒子滤波) 和Sliding Window(滑窗) 两种方式进行对比,说明了粒子滤波的两种好处

1:the particle filter approach can maintain a probabilistic estimation for each frame. Thus when several candidates have high probability of being the target, they will all be kept for the next frames. As a result, it can help to recover from tracker failure.

2:the particle filter framework can easily incorporate changes in scale, aspect ratio, and even rotation and skewness.

尺度变化或者快速运动的时候,作者认为需要调参,当你的视频是egocentric的,需要谨慎地设计motion model。作者最后还是把粒子滤波方法作为motion model,但是将input resize了一下,这个对结果的提高很重要(这个地方还不是特别懂作者的意思,英语没看懂。。。。)。

Model Updater




Ensemble Post-processor 


最后,作者说明了一下,有很多的跟踪方法并不能按照他的这么划分,比如经典的mean-shift方法,或者基于deep learning的方法,并且,它没有考虑速度的问题,他的最好的组合在matlab上的速度大约为10fps,这个就做不到实时了。


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