
Seasonal decoration and localization have been discussion points around the SitePoint office of late. On one hand, what could be wrong with adding a little seasonal vibe to a site? A sprig of holly here, perhaps? A star there? You would have to be a total grinch to object, right?

季节性装饰和本地化已成为SitePoint办公室最近的讨论重点。 一方面,在网站上添加一些季节性的氛围可能有什么问题? 也许是一小块冬青树? 那里有星星吗? 您将不得不完全反对,对吧?

The problem is whenever you ‘buddy up’ to part of your audience you can’t help but turn your back on another part of it. If you have a very defined niche audience, (i.e. gamers, metal heads, trekkies, hackers, etc), creating an ‘us vs. them’ vibe might be useful, but otherwise you probably need to be careful. Is the positive vibe you’re creating for the ‘us’s worth the small sense of alienation you may be creating for the ‘them’s?

问题是,每当您“聚拢”一部分受众时,您都会情不自禁地转向另一部分受众。 如果您的细分受众群非常明确(例如,游戏玩家,金属头,迷航者,黑客等),创建“我们与他们”的氛围可能会很有用,但是否则您可能需要小心。 您为“我们”创造的积极氛围是否值得您为“他们”创造的微小疏离感?

After mulling over this question recently, we were interested this morning when Julian noted the playful polar bears cheekily preparing snowballs on Google. A bit of color perhaps, but this appears on the version of the site, meaning they can be pretty sure their audience comes to them in shorts, a t-shirt and sunscreen.

在最近考虑了这个问题之后,今天早上朱利安(Julian)注意到顽皮的北极熊在Google上愉快地准备雪球时,我们感到很感兴趣。 也许有些颜色,但这会出现在网站的版本上,这意味着他们可以肯定的是,他们的观众穿着短裤,T恤和防晒霜来吸引他们。

At a quick glance, the same goes for Google NZ, Google South Africa and Google Argentina, all also experiencing the full brunt of summer.

乍一看, 谷歌新西兰 , 谷歌南非和谷歌阿根廷也都经历了夏天的冲击。

I know that weather prediction can be a dubious science at times, but the whole ‘summer/winter northern/southern hemisphere’ thing had been given the scientific ‘thumbs up’ last I heard ;)


But hey, cheeky polar bears are cute, I guess.





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