
Good stuff…just the thing my buddy Adam Cogan is looking for as he dances to the top of the charts!

好东西……正是我的好友亚当·科根( Adam Cogan)跳到排行榜前所要的东西!

You’ve used google before, but did you know they keep copies of their index around the world? And when the index is being updated, you can search on the same phrase at different times, and get different results. If you would like to see how that phrase looks across all clusters of their indexes, check out

[Wanta .NET ?]

您以前曾经使用过Google,但您知道他们在世界各地保留其索引副本吗? 并且当索引被更新时,您可以在不同的时间搜索相同的短语,并获得不同的结果。 如果您想查看该短语在其索引的所有群集中的外观,请访问 [ Wanta .NET? ]




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