

This function calculates the PC_2 measure of phase congruency.
This function supersedes PHASECONG2 and PHASECONG being faster and requires
less memory
There are potentially many arguments, here is the full usage:
[M m or ft pc EO, T] = phasecong3(im, nscale, norient, minWaveLength, mult, sigmaOnf, k, cutOff, g, noiseMethod)

However, apart from the image, all parameters have defaults and the usage can be as simple as:
M = phasecong3(im);

Arguments Default values Description

nscale           4    - Number of wavelet scales, try values 3-6,小波数量,默认4
norient          6    - Number of filter orientations. 过滤器方向的数量
minWaveLength    3    - Wavelength of smallest scale filter.最小尺度的滤波器波长
mult             2.1  - Scaling factor between successive filters.连续滤波器之间的比例因子
sigmaOnf         0.55 - Ratio of the standard deviation of the Gaussian describing the log Gabor filter's transfer function in the frequency domain to the filter center frequency.描述对数Gabor滤波器传递函数的高斯函数在频域上的标准差与滤波器中心频率的比值。
k                2.0  - No of standard deviations of the noise energy beyondthe mean at which we set the noise threshold point.You may want to vary this up to a value of 10 or20 for noisy images噪声能量超过我们设定的噪声阈值点的平均值的标准偏差。
cutOff           0.5  - The fractional measure of frequency spreadbelow which phase congruency values get penalized.频率扩展的分数度量,低于它的相位一致性值会受到惩罚
g                10   - Controls the sharpness of the transition inthe sigmoid function used to weight phasecongruency for frequency spread.  控制sigmoid函数中转换的锐度,用于加权频率扩展的相位一致性。
noiseMethod      -1   - Parameter specifies method used to determinenoise statistics. -1 use median of smallest scale filter responses-2 use mode of smallest scale filter responses0+ use noiseMethod value as the fixed noise threshold 参数指定用于确定噪声统计的方法。

Returned values:
M - Maximum moment of phase congruency covariance.
This is used as a indicator of edge strength.
m - Minimum moment of phase congruency covariance.
This is used as a indicator of corner strength.
or - Orientation image in integer degrees 0-180,
positive anticlockwise.
0 corresponds to a vertical edge, 90 is horizontal.
ft - Local weighted mean phase angle at every point in the
image. A value of pi/2 corresponds to a bright line, 0
corresponds to a step and -pi/2 is a dark line.
图像中每一点的局部加权平均相位角。/2的值对应一条亮线,0对应一个阶跃,- /2是一条暗线
pc - Cell array of phase congruency images (values between 0 and 1)
for each orientation
EO - A 2D cell array of complex valued convolution result
T - Calculated noise threshold (can be useful for
diagnosing noise characteristics of images). Once you know
this you can then specify fixed thresholds and save some
computation time.

EO{s,o} = convolution result for scale s and orientation o. The real part
is the result of convolving with the even symmetric filter, the imaginary
part is the result from convolution with the odd symmetric filter.

abs(EO{s,o}) returns the magnitude of the convolution over the
image at scale s and orientation o.
angle(EO{s,o}) returns the phase angles.

Notes on specifying parameters:

The parameters can be specified as a full list eg.

[M m or ft pc EO] = phasecong3(im, 5, 6, 3, 2.5, 0.55, 2.0, 0.4, 10);

or as a partial list with unspecified parameters taking on default values

[M m or ft pc EO] = phasecong3(im, 5, 6, 3);

or as a partial list of parameters followed by some parameters specified via a
keyword-value pair, remaining parameters are set to defaults, for example:

[M m or ft pc EO] = phasecong3(im, 5, 6, 3, ‘cutOff’, 0.3, ‘k’, 2.5);

The convolutions are done via the FFT. Many of the parameters relate to the
specification of the filters in the frequency plane. The values do not seem
to be very critical and the defaults are usually fine. You may want to
experiment with the values of ‘nscales’ and ‘k’, the noise compensation factor.

Notes on filter settings to obtain even coverage of the spectrum
sigmaOnf .85 mult 1.3
sigmaOnf .75 mult 1.6 (filter bandwidth ~1 octave)
sigmaOnf .65 mult 2.1
sigmaOnf .55 mult 3 (filter bandwidth ~2 octaves)


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