
  • 一、MPEG音频编码原理
    • 1.1 基本思想
    • 1.2 心理声学模型(Psychoacoustic model)
      • 1.2.1 听觉阈值
      • 1.2.2 频域掩蔽
    • 1.3 临界频带(Critical Band)
    • 1.4 人耳听觉系统
    • 1.5 掩蔽效果的加和
  • 二、MPEG音频压缩编码器
    • 2.1 多相滤波器组(Polyphase Filter Bank)
    • 2.2 心理声学模型
    • 2.3 量化和编码
      • 2.3.1 比例因子的取值和编码
      • 2.3.2 比特分配及编码
    • 2.3.3 数据帧包装
  • 三、MPEG音频编码器调试
    • 3.1 理解程序设计的整体框架
    • 3.2 理解感知音频编码的设计思想
      • 3.2.1 两条线
      • 3.2.2 时-频分析的矛盾
    • 3.3 理解心理声学模型的实现过程
      • 3.3.1 临界频带的概念
      • 3.3.2 比例因子的计算
      • 3.3.3 掩蔽值计算的思路
    • 3.4 理解码率分配的实现思路
    • 3.5 输出音频的采样率和目标码率
    • 3.6 某个数据帧,输出
      • 3.6.1 该帧所分配的比特数
      • 3.6.2 该帧的比例因子
      • 3.6.3 该帧的比特分配结果
      • 3.6.4 输出result文件结果


1.1 基本思想


  • 子带分析滤波器组:使信号具有高的时间分辨率【短暂冲击信号情况下,编码的声音信号具有足够高的质量】
  • FFT运算:使信号具有高的频率分辨率
  • 比特分配:低频子带分配较多的位数【保护音调和共振峰的结构】;高频自带分配较少的位数【摩擦音和类似噪声的声音】

1.2 心理声学模型(Psychoacoustic model)

  • 生理(Physiological)感知极限(传感极限)
  • 心理(Psychological)感知极限(信号处理极限)

1.2.1 听觉阈值


  • 听觉阈值的大小随声音频率的改变而改变
  • 一个人是否听到声音取决于声音的频率,以及声音的幅度是否高于这种频率下的听觉阈值。

1.2.2 频域掩蔽



1.3 临界频带(Critical Band)

  临界频带是指当某个纯音被以它为中心频率、且具有一定带 宽的连续噪声所掩蔽时,如果该纯音刚好被听到时的功率等于这一频带内的噪声功率,这个带宽为临界频带宽度。
1 B a r k = { f 100 , f o r f r e q u e n c i e s f < 500 H z 9 + 4 l o g ( f 1000 ) , f o r f r e q u e n c i e s f ≥ 500 H z 1 Bark=\left\{ \begin{aligned} &\frac{f}{100},&&for frequencies&& f<500Hz \\ &9+4log(\frac{f}{1000}),&& for frequencies&& f \geq 500Hz\\ \end{aligned} \right. 1Bark=⎩⎪⎪⎨⎪⎪⎧​​100f​,9+4log(1000f​),​​forfrequenciesforfrequencies​​f<500Hzf≥500Hz​

1.4 人耳听觉系统


  • 听音者在噪声中听某一纯音信号时,只启用中心频率与信号频率相同的那个听觉滤波器。纯音信号通过该滤波器,而噪声信号只有通带范围内的部分信号能通过,通带以外的频率成分则被抑制,只有通过该滤波器的噪声才对掩蔽起作用。
  • 聆听复音时启动多个听觉滤波器。听觉能够计算各滤波器输出端的信噪比。当信噪比达到或者超过听阈因子时,即可听到该频率成分。

1.5 掩蔽效果的加和

  Lutfi对多个掩蔽音同时存在时的综合掩蔽效果进行了研究: 每个掩蔽音的掩蔽效果先独立变换然后再线性相加。
F ( M A B = F ( M A ) + F ( M B ) F(M_{AB}=F(M_A)+F(M_B) F(MAB​=F(MA​)+F(MB​) F ( M A ) = ( 1 0 M A / 10 ) p F(M_A)=(10^{M_A/10})^p F(MA​)=(10MA​/10)p

  1. 当两个信号重叠并落在一个临界频带中时,二者的掩蔽分量可以线 性相加。
  2. 对于复杂音频信号可将其频谱分割成一系列离散段,每段就是一个掩蔽信号。各掩蔽音互不重叠,即以一个临界带为单位。各掩蔽音的声压级则通过将对应的临界频带上的短时功率谱密度线性相加得到 。


输入声音信号经过一个多相滤波器组,变换到多个子带,同时经过“心理声学模型”计算以频率为自变量的噪声掩蔽阈值。量化和编码部分用信掩比SMR决定分配给子带信号的量化位数,使量化噪声<掩蔽阈值。最后通过数据帧包装 将量化的子带样本和其它数据按照规定的帧格式组装成比特数据流。

2.1 多相滤波器组(Polyphase Filter Bank)



  • 等带宽的滤波器组与人类听觉系统的临界频带不对应【在低频区域,单个子带会覆盖多个临界频带。】。
  • 滤波器组与其逆过程不是无失真的【但滤波器组引入的误差很小,且听不到】
  • 子带间频率有混叠【滤波后的相邻子带有频率混叠现象,一个子带中的信号可以影响相邻子带的输出】

2.2 心理声学模型

心理声学模型 1:

  • 计算复杂度低
  • 但对假设用户听不到的部分压缩太严重

心理声学模型 2:

  • 提供了适合Layer 3编码的更多特征


2.3 量化和编码

2.3.1 比例因子的取值和编码

  为了降低比例因子的传输码率,每帧中每个子带的三个比例因子被划分成特定的几种模式,根据这些模式,1个、2个或3个比例因子和比例因子选择信息(每子带2比特)一起被传送。如 果一个比例因子和下一个只有很小的差别,就只传送大的一个【这种情况在稳态信号中经常出现】。

2.3.2 比特分配及编码

  • 对每个子带计算掩蔽-噪声比MNR M N R = S N R ( 信 噪 比 ) − S M R ( 信 掩 比 ) MNR=SNR(信噪比)-SMR(信掩比) MNR=SNR(信噪比)−SMR(信掩比)
  • 使整个一帧和每个子带的总噪声-掩蔽比最小
    第一层 1帧用4比特给每个子带的比特分配信息编码;第二层只在低频段用4比特,高频段用2比特】

  比例因子的作用是充分利用量化器的量化范围, 通过比特分配和比例因子相配合,可以表示动态范围超过120dB的样本 。

2.3.3 数据帧包装


  • 帧头(Header):每帧开始的头32个比特,包含有同步和状态比特流信息,在所有层都相同,同步码字为12bit全1码。
  • 误码检测CRC:使用一种16bit奇偶校验字,可供在比特流中作检测误码用。
  • 声音数据:由比特分配表、比例因子选择信息、比例因子和子带样值组成,其中子带样值是声音数据的最大部分。
  • 辅助数据:用作辅助数据比特流。




3.1 理解程序设计的整体框架


* main
* PURPOSE:  MPEG II Encoder with
* psychoacoustic models 1 (MUSICAM) and 2 (AT&T)//心理声学模型
* SEMANTICS:  One overlapping frame of audio of up to 2 channels are
* processed at a time in the following order:
* (associated routines are in parentheses)//最多按以下顺序一次处理最多2个通道的一个重叠音频帧
* 1.  Filter sliding window of data to get 32 subband
* samples per channel.
* (window_subband,filter_subband)//过滤数据滑动窗口以获取每个通道32个子带样本
* 2.  If joint stereo mode, combine left and right channels
* for subbands above #jsbound#.//如果是联合立体声模式,请为#jsbound#以上的子带组合左右声道
* (combine_LR)
* 3.  Calculate scalefactors for the frame, and
* also calculate scalefactor select information.//计算比例因子,并计算比例因子选择信息。
* (*_scale_factor_calc)
* 4.  Calculate psychoacoustic masking levels using selected
* psychoacoustic model.//使用选定的心理声学模型计算心理声学掩蔽电平。
* (psycho_i, psycho_ii)
* 5.  Perform iterative bit allocation for subbands with low
* mask_to_noise ratios using masking levels from step 4.//使用步骤4中的掩蔽电平,对具有低掩蔽比的子带执行迭代位分配。
* (*_main_bit_allocation)
* 6.  If error protection flag is active, add redundancy for
* error protection.//若是需要,就添加CRC纠错
* (*_CRC_calc)
* 7.  Pack bit allocation, scalefactors, and scalefactor select
*headerrmation onto bitstream.//将比特分配,比例因子和比例因子打包到比特流中。
* (*_encode_bit_alloc,*_encode_scale,transmission_pattern)
* 8.  Quantize subbands and pack them into bitstream//量化子带并将其打包成比特流
* (*_subband_quantization, *_sample_encoding)


  1. 对滑动窗口内的音频信号进行了32子带滤波;
  2. 如果有立体声,就加入左右声道;
  3. 计算这一帧的比例因子及比例因子选择信息‘
  4. 使用选定的心理声学模型计算心理声学掩蔽水平;
  5. 使用步骤4中的掩蔽电平,对具有低掩蔽比的子带执行迭代位分配;
  6. 若是需要,就添加CRC纠错;
  7. 将比特分配,比例因子和比例因子信息打包到比特流中;
  8. 量化子带并将其打包成比特流



int main(int argc, char** argv)
{/********************************以上都是初始化,不需要过多关注***************************************************/programName = argv[0];if (argc == 1)     /* no command-line args */ //如果命令行没有输入short_usage();elseparse_args(argc, argv, &frame, &model, &num_samples, original_file_name,encoded_file_name);//解析命令行参数print_config(&frame, &model, original_file_name, encoded_file_name);//输出一些配置信息/* this will load the alloc tables and do some other stuff */hdr_to_frps(&frame);//把从信息头中解压出来的信息加载nch = frame.nch;error_protection = header.error_protection;//while里面是获取的每一帧的信息while (get_audio(musicin, buffer, num_samples, nch, &header) > 0) {if (glopts.verbosity > 1)if (++frameNum % 10 == 0)fprintf(stderr, "[%4u]\r", frameNum);fflush(stderr);win_buf[0] = &buffer[0][0];win_buf[1] = &buffer[1][0];adb = available_bits(&header, &glopts);//bit预算lg_frame = adb / 8;if (header.dab_extension) {/* in 24 kHz we always have 4 bytes */if (header.sampling_frequency == 1)header.dab_extension = 4;/* You must have one frame in memory if you are in DAB mode                 *//* in conformity of the norme ETS 300 401 http://www.etsi.org               *//* see bitstream.c            */if (frameNum == 1)minimum = lg_frame + MINIMUM;adb -= header.dab_extension * 8 + header.dab_length * 8 + 16;}{int gr, bl, ch;/* New polyphase filterCombines windowing and filtering. Ricardo Feb'03 */for (gr = 0; gr < 3; gr++)for (bl = 0; bl < 12; bl++)for (ch = 0; ch < nch; ch++)WindowFilterSubband(&buffer[ch][gr * 12 * 32 + 32 * bl], ch,&(*sb_sample)[ch][gr][bl][0]);//多相滤波器组}scale_factor_calc(*sb_sample, scalar, nch, frame.sblimit);//计算比例因子pick_scale(scalar, &frame, max_sc);if (frame.actual_mode == MPG_MD_JOINT_STEREO) {/* this way we calculate more mono than we need *//* but it is cheap */combine_LR(*sb_sample, *j_sample, frame.sblimit);scale_factor_calc(j_sample, &j_scale, 1, frame.sblimit);//计算比例因子选择信息}if ((glopts.quickmode == TRUE) && (++psycount % glopts.quickcount != 0)) {/* We're using quick mode, so we're only calculating the model every'quickcount' frames. Otherwise, just copy the old ones across */for (ch = 0; ch < nch; ch++) {for (sb = 0; sb < SBLIMIT; sb++)smr[ch][sb] = smrdef[ch][sb];}}else{/* calculate the psymodel *///根据心理声学模型计算掩蔽电平switch (model) {case -1:psycho_n1(smr, nch);break;case 0:    /* Psy Model A */ //心理声学模型A计算掩蔽电平psycho_0(smr, nch, scalar, (FLOAT)s_freq[header.version][header.sampling_frequency] * 1000);//心理声学模型的输出一定是smrbreak;case 1:psycho_1(buffer, max_sc, smr, &frame);break;case 2:for (ch = 0; ch < nch; ch++) {psycho_2(&buffer[ch][0], &sam[ch][0], ch, &smr[ch][0], //snr32,(FLOAT)s_freq[header.version][header.sampling_frequency] *1000, &glopts);}break;case 3:/* Modified psy model 1 */psycho_3(buffer, max_sc, smr, &frame, &glopts);break;case 4:/* Modified Psycho Model 2 */for (ch = 0; ch < nch; ch++) {psycho_4(&buffer[ch][0], &sam[ch][0], ch, &smr[ch][0], // snr32,(FLOAT)s_freq[header.version][header.sampling_frequency] *1000, &glopts);}break;case 5:/* Model 5 comparse model 1 and 3 */psycho_1(buffer, max_sc, smr, &frame);fprintf(stdout, "1 ");smr_dump(smr, nch);psycho_3(buffer, max_sc, smr, &frame, &glopts);fprintf(stdout, "3 ");smr_dump(smr, nch);break;case 6:/* Model 6 compares model 2 and 4 */for (ch = 0; ch < nch; ch++)psycho_2(&buffer[ch][0], &sam[ch][0], ch, &smr[ch][0], //snr32,(FLOAT)s_freq[header.version][header.sampling_frequency] *1000, &glopts);fprintf(stdout, "2 ");smr_dump(smr, nch);for (ch = 0; ch < nch; ch++)psycho_4(&buffer[ch][0], &sam[ch][0], ch, &smr[ch][0], // snr32,(FLOAT)s_freq[header.version][header.sampling_frequency] *1000, &glopts);fprintf(stdout, "4 ");smr_dump(smr, nch);break;case 7:fprintf(stdout, "Frame: %i\n", frameNum);/* Dump the SMRs for all models */psycho_1(buffer, max_sc, smr, &frame);fprintf(stdout, "1");smr_dump(smr, nch);psycho_3(buffer, max_sc, smr, &frame, &glopts);fprintf(stdout, "3");smr_dump(smr, nch);for (ch = 0; ch < nch; ch++)psycho_2(&buffer[ch][0], &sam[ch][0], ch, &smr[ch][0], //snr32,(FLOAT)s_freq[header.version][header.sampling_frequency] *1000, &glopts);fprintf(stdout, "2");smr_dump(smr, nch);for (ch = 0; ch < nch; ch++)psycho_4(&buffer[ch][0], &sam[ch][0], ch, &smr[ch][0], // snr32,(FLOAT)s_freq[header.version][header.sampling_frequency] *1000, &glopts);fprintf(stdout, "4");smr_dump(smr, nch);break;case 8:/* Compare 0 and 4 */psycho_n1(smr, nch);fprintf(stdout, "0");smr_dump(smr, nch);for (ch = 0; ch < nch; ch++)psycho_4(&buffer[ch][0], &sam[ch][0], ch, &smr[ch][0], // snr32,(FLOAT)s_freq[header.version][header.sampling_frequency] *1000, &glopts);fprintf(stdout, "4");smr_dump(smr, nch);break;default:fprintf(stderr, "Invalid psy model specification: %i\n", model);exit(0);}if (glopts.quickmode == TRUE)/* copy the smr values and reuse them later */for (ch = 0; ch < nch; ch++) {for (sb = 0; sb < SBLIMIT; sb++)smrdef[ch][sb] = smr[ch][sb];}if (glopts.verbosity > 4)smr_dump(smr, nch);}transmission_pattern(scalar, scfsi, &frame);main_bit_allocation(smr, scfsi, bit_alloc, &adb, &frame, &glopts);//进行比特分配if (error_protection)CRC_calc(&frame, bit_alloc, scfsi, &crc);//如果需要就添加CRC纠错encode_info(&frame, &bs);if (error_protection)encode_CRC(crc, &bs);encode_bit_alloc(bit_alloc, &frame, &bs);//将比特分配打包到比特流中encode_scale(bit_alloc, scfsi, scalar, &frame, &bs);//将比例因子打包到比特流中subband_quantization(scalar, *sb_sample, j_scale, *j_sample, bit_alloc,*subband, &frame);//量化子带sample_encoding(*subband, bit_alloc, &frame, &bs);//将子带打包到比特流中//后面是一些输出信息,也不需要过多关注...exit (0);

3.2 理解感知音频编码的设计思想

3.2.1 两条线


3.2.2 时-频分析的矛盾


3.3 理解心理声学模型的实现过程

3.3.1 临界频带的概念


3.3.2 比例因子的计算


void scale_factor_calc(double sb_sample[][3][SCALE_BLOCK][SBLIMIT],unsigned int scalar[][3][SBLIMIT], int nch,int sblimit)
{//scalar就是得到的比例因子/* Optimized to use binary search instead of linear scan through thescalefactor table; guarantees to find scalefactor in only 5jumps/comparisons and not in {0 (lin. best) to 63 (lin. worst)}.Scalefactors for subbands > sblimit are no longer computed.Uses a single sblimit-loop.Patrick De Smet Oct 1999.*/int k, t;/* Using '--' loops to avoid possible "cmp value + bne/beq" compiler  *//* inefficiencies. Below loops should compile to "bne/beq" only code  */for (k = nch; k--;)for (t = 3; t--;) {int i;for (i = sblimit; i--;) {//寻找子带中的最大值int j;unsigned int l;register double temp;unsigned int scale_fac;/* Determination of max. over each set of 12 subband samples:  *//* PDS TODO: maybe this could/should ??!! be integrated into   *//* the subband filtering routines?                             */register double cur_max = fabs(sb_sample[k][t][SCALE_BLOCK - 1][i]);for (j = SCALE_BLOCK - 1; j--;) {if ((temp = fabs(sb_sample[k][t][j][i])) > cur_max)cur_max = temp;}/* PDS: binary search in the scalefactor table: *//* This is the real speed up: */for (l = 16, scale_fac = 32; l; l >>= 1) {//查找比例因子表中比这个最大值大的最小值作为比例因子if (cur_max <= multiple[scale_fac])scale_fac += l;elsescale_fac -= l;}if (cur_max > multiple[scale_fac])scale_fac--;scalar[k][t][i] = scale_fac;//得到比例因子}}

3.3.3 掩蔽值计算的思路


void psycho_0(double SMR[2][SBLIMIT], int nch, unsigned int scalar[2][3][SBLIMIT], FLOAT sfreq) {int ch, sb, gr;int minscaleindex[2][SBLIMIT]; /* Smaller scale indexes mean bigger scalefactors *///较小的指标意味着较大的比例因子static FLOAT ath_min[SBLIMIT];int i;static int init = 0;if (!init) {FLOAT freqperline = sfreq / 1024.0;for (sb = 0; sb < SBLIMIT; sb++) {ath_min[sb] = 1000; /* set it huge */}/* Find the minimum ATH in each subband *///在每个子带中找到最小的ATHfor (i = 0; i < 512; i++) {FLOAT thisfreq = i * freqperline;FLOAT ath_val = ATH_dB(thisfreq, 0);if (ath_val < ath_min[i >> 4])ath_min[i >> 4] = ath_val;}init++;}/* Find the minimum scalefactor index for each ch/sb *///找到这32个子带中最小的比例因子for (ch = 0; ch < nch; ch++)for (sb = 0; sb < SBLIMIT; sb++)minscaleindex[ch][sb] = scalar[ch][0][sb];for (ch = 0; ch < nch; ch++)for (gr = 1; gr < 3; gr++)for (sb = 0; sb < SBLIMIT; sb++)if (minscaleindex[ch][sb] > scalar[ch][gr][sb])minscaleindex[ch][sb] = scalar[ch][gr][sb];/* Oh yeah. Fudge the hell out of the SMR calculationsby combining the scalefactor table index and the min ATH in that subbandThere are probably more elegant/correct ways of combining these values,but who cares? It works pretty wellMFC Mar 03 */for (ch = 0; ch < nch; ch++)for (sb = 0; sb < SBLIMIT; sb++)SMR[ch][sb] = 2.0 * (30.0 - minscaleindex[ch][sb]) - ath_min[sb];

3.4 理解码率分配的实现思路


void main_bit_allocation(double perm_smr[2][SBLIMIT],unsigned int scfsi[2][SBLIMIT],unsigned int bit_alloc[2][SBLIMIT], int* adb,frame_info* frame, options* glopts)
{...//以上都是初始化,不需要过多关注/* decide on which bit allocation method to use */if (glopts->vbr == FALSE) {/* Just do the old bit allocation method */noisy_sbs = a_bit_allocation(perm_smr, scfsi, bit_alloc, adb, frame);}else {/* do the VBR bit allocation method */frame->header->bitrate_index = lower;*adb = available_bits(frame->header, glopts);{int brindex;int found = FALSE;/* Work out how many bits are needed for there to be no noise (ie all MNR > 0.0 + VBRLEVEL) */int req =VBR_bits_for_nonoise(perm_smr, scfsi, frame, glopts->vbrlevel);/* Look up this value in the bitrateindextobits table to find what bitrate we should use forthis frame */for (brindex = lower; brindex <= upper; brindex++) {if (bitrateindextobits[brindex] > req) {/* this method always *overestimates* the bits that are neededi.e. it will usually  guess right butwhen it's wrong it'll guess a higher bitrate than actually required.e.g. on "messages from earth" track 6, the guess waswrong on 75/36341 frames. each time it guessed higher.MFC Feb 2003 */guessindex = brindex;found = TRUE;break;}}/* Just for sanity */if (found == FALSE)guessindex = upper;}frame->header->bitrate_index = guessindex;*adb = available_bits(frame->header, glopts);/* update the statistics */vbrstats[frame->header->bitrate_index]++;if (glopts->verbosity > 2) {/* print out the VBR stats every 1000th frame */static int count = 0;int i;if ((count++ % 1000) == 0) {for (i = 1; i < 15; i++)fprintf(stdout, "%4i ", vbrstats[i]);fprintf(stdout, "\n");}/* Print out *every* frames bitrateindex, bits required, and bits available at this bitrate */if (glopts->verbosity > 5)fprintf(stdout,"> bitrate index %2i has %i bits available to encode the %i bits\n",frame->header->bitrate_index, *adb,VBR_bits_for_nonoise(perm_smr, scfsi, frame,glopts->vbrlevel));}noisy_sbs =VBR_bit_allocation(perm_smr, scfsi, bit_alloc, adb, frame, glopts);}


int a_bit_allocation(double perm_smr[2][SBLIMIT],unsigned int scfsi[2][SBLIMIT],unsigned int bit_alloc[2][SBLIMIT], int* adb,frame_info* frame)
{int i, min_ch, min_sb, oth_ch, k, increment, scale, seli, ba;int bspl, bscf, bsel, ad, bbal = 0;double mnr[2][SBLIMIT];char used[2][SBLIMIT];int nch = frame->nch;int sblimit = frame->sblimit;int jsbound = frame->jsbound;al_table* alloc = frame->alloc;static char init = 0;static int banc = 32, berr = 0;static int sfsPerScfsi[] = { 3, 2, 1, 2 }; /* lookup # sfs per scfsi */if (!init) {init = 1;if (frame->header->error_protection)berr = 16;     /* added 92-08-11 shn */}for (i = 0; i < jsbound; ++i)bbal += nch * (*alloc)[i][0].bits;for (i = jsbound; i < sblimit; ++i)bbal += (*alloc)[i][0].bits;*adb -= bbal + berr + banc;ad = *adb;for (i = 0; i < sblimit; i++)for (k = 0; k < nch; k++) {mnr[k][i] = snr[0] - perm_smr[k][i];bit_alloc[k][i] = 0;used[k][i] = 0;}bspl = bscf = bsel = 0;do {/* locate the subband with minimum SMR *///找到拥有最大MNR的子带maxmnr(mnr, used, sblimit, nch, &min_sb, &min_ch);if (min_sb > -1) {     /* there was something to find *//* find increase in bit allocation in subband [min] *///计算拥有最大MNR的子带需要分配多少比特位才不是最大increment =SCALE_BLOCK * ((*alloc)[min_sb][bit_alloc[min_ch][min_sb] + 1].group *(*alloc)[min_sb][bit_alloc[min_ch][min_sb] + 1].bits);if (used[min_ch][min_sb])increment -=SCALE_BLOCK * ((*alloc)[min_sb][bit_alloc[min_ch][min_sb]].group *(*alloc)[min_sb][bit_alloc[min_ch][min_sb]].bits);/* scale factor bits required for subband [min] */oth_ch = 1 - min_ch;  /* above js bound, need both chans */if (used[min_ch][min_sb])scale = seli = 0;else {         /* this channel had no bits or scfs before */seli = 2;scale = 6 * sfsPerScfsi[scfsi[min_ch][min_sb]];if (nch == 2 && min_sb >= jsbound) {/* each new js sb has L+R scfsis */seli += 2;scale += 6 * sfsPerScfsi[scfsi[oth_ch][min_sb]];}}//检查剩下的可用比特位是否能够给出足够的比特位/* check to see enough bits were available for *//* increasing resolution in the minimum band */if (ad >= bspl + bscf + bsel + seli + scale + increment) {//如果够的话就给这个子带分配比特ba = ++bit_alloc[min_ch][min_sb];   /* next up alloc */bspl += increment; /* bits for subband sample */bscf += scale;       /* bits for scale factor */bsel += seli;      /* bits for scfsi code */used[min_ch][min_sb] = 1; /* subband has bits */mnr[min_ch][min_sb] =-perm_smr[min_ch][min_sb] + snr[(*alloc)[min_sb][ba].quant + 1];/* Check if subband has been fully allocated max bits */ //检查该子带已分配的比特数是否已经到达了最大值if (ba >= (1 << (*alloc)[min_sb][0].bits) - 1)used[min_ch][min_sb] = 2;   /* don't let this sb get any more bits *///如果已分配的比特数到达了最大值,那么就不能给他分配比特了}elseused[min_ch][min_sb] = 2;  /* can't increase this alloc */ //不能分配比特位if (min_sb >= jsbound && nch == 2) {/* above jsbound, alloc applies L+R */ba = bit_alloc[oth_ch][min_sb] = bit_alloc[min_ch][min_sb];used[oth_ch][min_sb] = used[min_ch][min_sb];mnr[oth_ch][min_sb] =-perm_smr[oth_ch][min_sb] + snr[(*alloc)[min_sb][ba].quant + 1];}}} while (min_sb > -1);        /* until could find no channel *//* Calculate the number of bits left *///计算剩下的比特位的数目ad -= bspl + bscf + bsel;*adb = ad;for (k = 0; k < nch; k++)for (i = sblimit; i < SBLIMIT; i++)bit_alloc[k][i] = 0;return 0;

3.5 输出音频的采样率和目标码率


void print_config(frame_info* frame, int* psy, char* inPath,char* outPath)
{frame_header* header = frame->header;if (glopts.verbosity == 0)return;fprintf(stderr, "--------------------------------------------\n");fprintf(stderr, "Input File : '%s'   %.1f kHz\n",(strcmp(inPath, "-") ? inPath : "stdin"),s_freq[header->version][header->sampling_frequency]);//输入文件路径和音频采样率fprintf(stderr, "Output File: '%s'\n",(strcmp(outPath, "-") ? outPath : "stdout"));//输出文件路径fprintf(stderr, "%d kbps ", bitrate[header->version][header->bitrate_index]);//音频采样率fprintf(stderr, "%s ", version_names[header->version]);if (header->mode != MPG_MD_JOINT_STEREO)fprintf(stderr, "Layer II %s Psycho model=%d  (Mode_Extension=%d)\n",mode_names[header->mode], *psy, header->mode_ext);//采用的心理声学模型elsefprintf(stderr, "Layer II %s Psy model %d \n", mode_names[header->mode],*psy);fprintf(stderr, "[De-emph:%s\tCopyright:%s\tOriginal:%s\tCRC:%s]\n",((header->emphasis) ? "On" : "Off"),((header->copyright) ? "Yes" : "No"),((header->original) ? "Yes" : "No"),((header->error_protection) ? "On" : "Off"));fprintf(stderr, "[Padding:%s\tByte-swap:%s\tChanswap:%s\tDAB:%s]\n",((glopts.usepadbit) ? "Normal" : "Off"),((glopts.byteswap) ? "On" : "Off"),((glopts.channelswap) ? "On" : "Off"),((glopts.dab) ? "On" : "Off"));if (glopts.vbr == TRUE)fprintf(stderr, "VBR Enabled. Using MNR boost of %f\n", glopts.vbrlevel);fprintf(stderr, "ATH adjustment %f\n", glopts.athlevel);fprintf(stderr, "--------------------------------------------\n");


3.6 某个数据帧,输出


int main(int argc, char** argv)
{.../* this will load the alloc tables and do some other stuff */hdr_to_frps(&frame);//把从信息头中解压出来的信息加载nch = frame.nch;error_protection = header.error_protection;//打开输出文件FILE* result;result = fopen("result.txt", "w+");//while里面是获取的每一帧的信息while (get_audio(musicin, buffer, num_samples, nch, &header) > 0) {...}...//关闭文件fclose(result);exit(0);

3.6.1 该帧所分配的比特数


int main(int argc, char** argv)
{...adb = available_bits(&header, &glopts);//bit预算lg_frame = adb / 8;if (header.dab_extension) {/* in 24 kHz we always have 4 bytes */if (header.sampling_frequency == 1)header.dab_extension = 4;/* You must have one frame in memory if you are in DAB mode                 *//* in conformity of the norme ETS 300 401 http://www.etsi.org               *//* see bitstream.c            */if (frameNum == 1)minimum = lg_frame + MINIMUM;adb -= header.dab_extension * 8 + header.dab_length * 8 + 16;}if (frameNum == 1){//输出可用比特数fprintf(result, "可用比特数:%d\n", adb);}...

3.6.2 该帧的比例因子


int main(int argc, char** argv)
{...scale_factor_calc(*sb_sample, scalar, nch, frame.sblimit);//计算比例因子pick_scale(scalar, &frame, max_sc);if (frame.actual_mode == MPG_MD_JOINT_STEREO) {/* this way we calculate more mono than we need *//* but it is cheap */combine_LR(*sb_sample, *j_sample, frame.sblimit);scale_factor_calc(j_sample, &j_scale, 1, frame.sblimit);//计算比例因子选择信息}if (frameNum == 1){//输出比例因子fprintf(result, "\n比例因子:\n");for (int k = 0; k < nch; k++)//声道{fprintf(result, "声道%d:\n", k + 1);for (int i = 0; i < SBLIMIT; i++)//每个子带有三个比例因子{fprintf(result, "子带%d:\t", i);for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++){fprintf(result, "%d\t", scalar[k][j][i]);}fprintf(result, "\n");}}}...

3.6.3 该帧的比特分配结果


int main(int argc, char** argv)
{...transmission_pattern(scalar, scfsi, &frame);main_bit_allocation(smr, scfsi, bit_alloc, &adb, &frame, &glopts);//进行比特分配if (frameNum == 1){//输出比特分配结果fprintf(result, "\n比特分配\n");for (int k = 0; k < nch; k++)//声道{fprintf(result, "声道%d:\n", k + 1);for (int i = 0; i < SBLIMIT; i++)//每个子带有一个比特分配结果{fprintf(result, "子带%d:\t", i);fprintf(result, "%d\n", bit_alloc[k][i]);}}}...

3.6.4 输出result文件结果



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