
  • 直线的向量方程
  • 程序说明
  • 点类



令直线L1L_1L1​的向量方程:x=a+λb,(a、b、x∈R3,λ∈R,a=OA‾,b=AB‾=OB‾−OA‾)x=a+\lambda{b}, ({a、b、x}\in{R^3}, \lambda\in{R}, a=\overline{OA}, b=\overline{AB}=\overline{OB}-\overline{OA})x=a+λb,(a、b、x∈R3,λ∈R,a=OA,b=AB=OB−OA)

类似地,令直线L2L_2L2​的向量方程:y=c+μd,(c、d、y∈R3,μ∈R,c=OC‾,d=CD‾=OD‾−OC‾)y=c+\mu{d},({c、d、y}\in{R^3}, \mu\in{R}, c=\overline{OC}, d=\overline{CD}=\overline{OD}-\overline{OC})y=c+μd,(c、d、y∈R3,μ∈R,c=OC,d=CD=OD−OC)






#ifndef POINT_H
#define POINT_H#include<iostream>
#include<cmath>class Point
{public:Point(double _x=0.0, double _y=0.0, double _z=0.0):X(_x), Y(_y), Z(_z) {};virtual ~Point() {};Point(const Point &other) { X=other.X; Y=other.Y; Z=other.Z; };Point &operator=(const Point&);Point operator+(const Point&);Point operator+=(const Point&);Point operator-(const Point&);Point operator-();  // opposite numberPoint operator-=(const Point&);Point operator*(const Point&); // cross productfriend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &output, const Point &rhs);double GetX() { return X; }void SetX(double val) { X = val; }double GetY() { return Y; }void SetY(double val) { Y = val; }double GetZ() { return Z; }void SetZ(double val) { Z = val; }double dotX(const Point &pt) { return (pt.X*X+pt.Y*Y+pt.Z*Z); }double mod() { return sqrt(dotX(*this)); }protected:private:double X;double Y;double Z;
};#endif // POINT_H


#include "Point.h"Point &Point::operator=(const Point &rhs)
{if (this == &rhs) return *this; // self assignmentX=rhs.X;Y=rhs.Y;Z=rhs.Z;return *this;
}Point Point::operator+(const Point &rhs)
{return Point(X+rhs.X,Y+rhs.Y,Z+rhs.Z);
}Point Point::operator+=(const Point &rhs)
{X+=rhs.X;Y+=rhs.Y;Z+=rhs.Z;return (*this);
}Point Point::operator-(const Point &rhs)
{return Point(X-rhs.X, Y-rhs.Y, Z-rhs.Z);
}Point Point::operator-() // opposite number
{return Point(-X, -Y, -Z);
}Point Point::operator-=(const Point &rhs)
{X-=rhs.X;Y-=rhs.Y;Z-=rhs.Z;return (*this);
}std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &output, const Point &rhs)
{output<<"("<<rhs.X<<","<<rhs.Y<<","<<rhs.Z<<")";return output;
}Point Point::operator*(const Point &pt) // cross product
{double x1,x2,y1,y2,z1,z2,vx,vy,vz;x1=X;x2=pt.X;y1=Y;y2=pt.Y;z1=Z;z2=pt.Z;vx=y1*z2-y2*z1;vy=-x1*z2+x2*z1;vz=x1*y2-x2*y1;return Point(vx,vy,vz);


#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <fstream>
#include "Point.h"using namespace std;const double EPS=1e-10; // zerodouble dist(Point &pt1, Point &pt2)  //Distance between two points
{return (pt2-pt1).mod();
}double dist(Point &ptC, Point &ptA, Point &ptB)  //Distance between point C to line AB.
{double d=0.0;Point ac,ab;ac=ptC-ptA;ab=ptB-ptA;if (ab.mod() >= EPS) { d=(ac*ab).mod()/ab.mod(); }else { d=dist(ptC,ptA); } //The line is reduced to a point. point(ptC) to point(ptA) distance.return d;
}double dist(Point &ptA, Point &ptB, Point &ptC, Point &ptD)  //Distance between line AB to line CD.
{double d=0.0;Point ab, cd, ad, axd;ab=ptB-ptA;cd=ptD-ptC;ad=ptD-ptA;axd=ab * cd;if ((axd.mod()) >= EPS) { d = abs((axd.dotX(ad)))/axd.mod(); } //skew lineselse { d=dist(ptA, ptC, ptD); } //parallel linesreturn d;
}int main()
{Point p0,p1(1.0, 0.0, 0.0), p2(0.0, 1.0, 0.0), p3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0), p4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);Point p5(1.0, 1.0, 0.0), p6(0.0, 1.0, 1.0), p7(1.0, 0.0, 1.0);cout<<"\n---------------- Line to line --------------------"<<endl;cout<<"\nThe distance between the line p1p2 and the line p3p4 is : "<<dist(p1,p2,p3,p4)<<endl;cout<<"\nThe distance between the line p1p3 and the line p4p7 is : "<<dist(p1,p3,p4,p7)<<endl;cout<<"\nThe distance between the line p1p3 and the line p5p6 is : "<<dist(p1,p3,p5,p6)<<endl;cout<<"\nThe distance between the line p2p3 and the line p5p6 is : "<<dist(p2,p3,p5,p6)<<endl;cout<<"\nThe distance between the line p1p3 and the line p1p7 is : "<<dist(p1,p3,p1,p7)<<endl;return 0;



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