android 写字板

Rafael Rivera / Microsoft
拉斐尔·里维拉(Rafael Rivera)/微软

Microsoft can’t stop inserting advertisements into Windows 10. The latest experimental advertisement appears in WordPad. It’s a banner inviting you to use Office’s web apps instead of the included WordPad application.

微软不能停止在Windows 10中插入广告。 最新的实验广告出现在写字板中。 它是一条横幅,邀请您使用Office的Web应用程序而不是随附的写字板应用程序。

Rafael Rivera discovered the ads and revealed them on Twitter. There are several variants, but they all invite you to try Word, Excel, or PowerPoint online. There’s an “Open Word” or “Open Office” button that will open Microsoft’s Office web apps in your browser.

拉斐尔·里维拉(Rafael Rivera)发现了这些广告,并在Twitter上进行了展示。 有几种变体,但是它们都邀请您在线尝试Word,Excel或PowerPoint。 有一个“ Open Word”或“ Open Office”按钮,将在浏览器中打开Microsoft的Office Web应用程序。

BREAKSCLUSIVE: Microsoft WordPad is getting a new feature! An ad for Office web apps!

BREAKSCLUSIVE:Microsoft写字板正在获得一项新功能! Office Web应用程序的广告!

Screenshot shows 6 experimental variants.


vso/tfs id 23834136variants 1-6

VSO / TFS ID 23834136variants 1-6

— Rafael Rivera (@WithinRafael) January 20, 2020

-拉斐尔·里维拉(@WithinRafael) 2020年1月20日

While ads in WordPad don’t feel great, they’re not totally crazy. Microsoft’s Office web apps are free—you just have to sign in with a Microsoft account—and some people trying WordPad might be happier with the Microsoft Word web app instead. They’re a capable alternative to Google Docs.

虽然写字板中的广告感觉不佳,但并不完全是疯狂的。 Microsoft的Office Web应用程序是免费的-您只需要使用Microsoft帐户登录即可-某些尝试使用WordPad的人可能更喜欢Microsoft Word Web应用程序。 它们是Google文档的替代品。

But, in spite of that rationale, this ad still feels out of place. Maybe this advertisement would feel more restrained if Microsoft hadn’t spent years pushing Candy Crush and subscription-based Solitaire to Windows 10 users.

但是,尽管有这样的理由,但该广告仍然感觉不合适。 如果微软没有花费很多年将Candy Crush和基于订阅的纸牌推向Windows 10用户,也许这则广告会受到更大的限制。

These ads aren’t actually part of the stable version of Windows 10 yet. They appear in some Insider Preview builds of Windows 10, and they’re not activated by default for most Insiders. Still, Microsoft is clearly experimenting with ads in WordPad, just as the company experimented with ads in Windows 10’s Mail app before backing down.

这些广告实际上还不是Windows 10稳定版的一部分。 它们出现在Windows 10的某些Insider Preview版本中,并且对于大多数Insiders默认情况下都未激活。 尽管如此,微软显然仍在尝试使用写字板中的广告,就像该公司在退出之前在Windows 10的Mail应用中进行过广告一样。


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