

Sunday morning saw me up early to try out an interesting new tech toy.It is called Cubetto, comes from a London start-up and is a beautifully made kit to introduce children from the age of three to computer coding.


“Teach your child to code before they can read,” Cubetto’s publicity proclaim Ms.One of the key investors is Randi Zuckerberg, sister of Mark.Made mostly of wood, Cubetto has already won a top British toy award and follows Montessori’s early learning principles.

Cubetto的广告宣传称:“教孩子未学认字先学编程。”该公司的关键投资人之一是马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)的姐姐兰迪·扎克伯格(Randi Zuckerberg)。主要是木质的Cubetto,遵循蒙台梭利(Montessori)的早教原理,已获得了英国一个玩具最高奖项。

I was intrigued to see if Cubetto could, as promised, teach me “a host of programming concepts, including algorithms, the queue, debugging and recursions”.


I gave up after 30 minutes.It was instruction number seven, on “subroutines”, that did for me.Perhaps I am stupid but, as far as I could tell, it made no sense at all.


That said, I made Cubetto work and I could see the principle behind it.Using coloured blocks, you input a string of commands to send a 10cm by 7cm wheeled cuboid — with a face — trundling ahead, left and right.


I am sure it will stimulate some brilliant three-year-olds but it was one of the dullest toys I have seen.


Worthy, tasteful wooden educational toys rarely impress children and Cubetto is as heart-sinkingly disappointing as any.It is not gaudy enough, not plasticky enough and not loud enough.


Toys involving coding are hot this Christmas, as my colleague Emma Jacobs pointed out last week.The better type of toy store or website has a variety of well-presented and exciting offerings from Kano, Sam Labs and Technology Will Save Us in the UK; Little Bits, Tynker and Osmo in the US; Meccano in France; UBTech Robotics in China, and BQin Spain.

正如我的同事艾玛·雅各布斯(Emma Jacobs)最近指出的,编程玩具在刚刚过去的圣诞节销售火爆。好一点的玩具商店或网站都有各式各样外观精美、令人兴奋的产品——从英国的Kano、Sam Labs和Technology Will Save Us;美国的LittleBits、Tynker和Osmo;法国的Meccano;中国的优必选机器人(UBTechRobotics)到西班牙的BQ。

I have my own research to back up Emma’s argument that ambitious parents should not rely on a coding set to give their child a head start in the career scramble.


Last Christmas, I gave Kano’s build-your-own-computer outfits — which I love — to two children.I asked last week, as tactfully as I could, how the recipients were getting on with them.


“It’s on Ellie’s shelf,” reported Alice, a Whitehall ministerial adviser.“She loves the packaging, she loves the idea that one day she’ll get it out, but for now it remains an exhibition piece.”


“We enjoyed building the computer,” said Neil, a tech entrepreneur.“We built a great 32-bit game, which Alfie played with for about 15 minutes, and then went back to Fifa.I’m afraid the Kano hasn’t emerged since.”


I discussed this seemingly inconvenient truth with Alex Klein, the founder and CEO of Kano, at his HQ behind a coffee shop in east London.

在Kano位于东伦敦一家咖啡馆后面的总部,我与公司创始人和首席执行官亚历克斯·克莱恩(Alex Klein)讨论了这个貌似令人难堪的真相。

Mr.Klein, a 26-year-old Londoner brought up in Seattle, was surprisingly open about the niche appeal of coding kits.“I know it can be like getting kids interested in broccoli and Brussels sprouts,” he says.


A quarter of children are still using their self-made computers after six months, “but even if they use it just for a day, the moment they make a real, powerful computer in as little as an hour is a big thing for them.


“We are about the demystification and democratisation of an otherwise impenetrable world.The simple putting-together of the computer starts to break the cultural fear that this stuff is for geeks, hackers, techie boffins, not for them.”


Mr.Klein says that even if children are not interested in technology as a job, “Kano is about capturing what is culturally relevant to kids, like knowing how an app like WhatsApp works and replicating one.”


He adds: “You have to have exposure to these things as a kid to feel at least conversant with the subject, so you have the ability to talk to others about it.”


Indeed, coding lessons for children as young as five are part of the British national curriculum.Introducing the initiative in 2014, Michael Gove, then education minister, said learning how computers work made old-style technology education as obsolete “as teaching children to send a telex or travel in a Zeppelin”.

的确,面向5岁儿童的编程课程是英国全国教学大纲的一部分。2014年宣布该倡议时,时任教育大臣迈克尔·戈夫(Michael Gove)说,学习电脑如何工作使得旧式的技术教育“像教孩子们发电传或搭乘齐柏林飞艇旅行”一样过时。

What nails the case for these toys for me is the desire of education authorities for children to be conversant with coding, even if they do not master it.


I had a Philips Electronic Engineer set as a kid.For a couple of years, when school holidays were dragging on, I would build gadgets — radios, intercoMs., crummy electronic organs.

我小时候玩过一套“飞利浦电子工程师”(Philips Electronic Engineer)。在两年时间里,当假期让我觉得没完没了时,我就会自己做些小玩意儿——收音机、对讲机、粗糙的电子琴。

I never read the swotty section of the manual that explained what was happening — how the transistors, diodes, resistors and capacitors worked— but exposure to that granular level of electronics has served me well.


I am often shocked to find that my contemporaries — who are accomplished in their own field — are illiterate when it comes to technology.


I am still unsure about coding for three-year-olds but, mostly, the children playing with 21st century versions of my Philips kit over this Christmas will gain at least an acquaintance with code, computing, directory trees,subroutines and the rest.I suspect it will serve them well, too.

我仍然不能确定编程对三岁儿童的影响,但多数情况下,在如今的圣诞节玩着21世纪版本Philips Electronic Engineer玩具的孩子们至少可以了解代码、运算、目录树、子程序之类是怎么回事。我觉得他们也会受益良多。


start-up ['stɑ:tʌp]


It is called Cubetto, comes from a London start-up and is a beautifully made kit to introduce children from the age of three to computer coding.


intrigue [ɪn’triːg]


I was intrigued to see if Cubetto could, as promised, teach me “a host of programming concepts, including algorithms, the queue, debugging and recursions”.


niche [niːʃ; nɪtʃ]


Mr.Klein, a 26-year-old Londoner brought up in Seattle, was surprisingly open about the niche appeal of coding kits.


impenetrable [ɪm’penɪtrəb(ə)l]


We are about the demystification and democratisation of an otherwise impenetrable world.

illiterate [ɪ’lɪt(ə)rət]


I am often shocked to find that my contemporaries — who are accomplished in their own field — are illiterate when it comes to technology.


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